v.1.9.7 (August 21, 2022)
- Added: The Grid Map dimensions, as well as the min and max values are now included in the Grid Map exports.
- Added: The menus next to the Action lists in the Animation panel now have Copy/Paste Action options.
- Added: "Select/Deselect all Faces" added to the Edit mode Context-menu.
- Added: "Select/Deselect Faces connected to Vertices" added to the Edit mode Context-menu.
- Added: "Select/Deselect all Vertices" added to the Edit mode Context-menu.
- Added: "Select/Deselect Vertices connected to Faces" added to the Edit mode Context-menu.
- Added: Keybindings for "Select/Deselect all Faces" and "Select/Deselect Vertices connected to Faces" actions. Go to Edit > Buttons > Edit mode > ...
- Changed: Theatre actor list now keeps the same order as in the scene panel list with indentations for nested instances.
- Fixed: Moving an instance to another parent would not update its original rotation value. This would cause loaded scenes to have incorrect rotations.
- Fixed: Exporting UV Animations would include animations from tilesets that weren't being used.
- Fixed: Exporting with "Tile Spacing" or "Use power of two" settings would incorrrectly get applied to textures that wrapped.
- Fixed: Using the Gizmo on billboard objects changed their original rotation.
- Fixed: Rotation value in Transform panel didn't reflect original rotation of billboard objects.
- Fixed: Vertices were able to be selected through lights/cameras if Camera Based Selection was enabled.
- Fixed: Due to a regression, in some cases an Object's properties panel would not open.
- Fixed: Theatre panel context-menu "Apply Interpolation" did not work.
- Fixed: Theatre panel context-menu "Align Selection" did not work.
Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!
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Changed files in this update