- Fleet ships now collect loot (optional, default: On). For now it works better with collector beams.
NOTE: Make sure to set it in your fleet ships behavior, on your old save files. - Added button for your fleet ships to drop their cargo (except ammo and drones for now) to the station you are in.
- Fleet ships now also use (in addition to collector beams): Refineries, Flux Capacitors, Warp Diverters, Energy Barriers and Automated Repair.
- Added 'Colorblind Mode' for items, which adds "TX" before the item name and quantity, according to its rarity.
- The currently selected cargo item no longer changes after the list updates (example: when collecting a new item).
- The weapons tab on ship setup now always shows weapon mounts, even when no weapons are installed or selected.
- 'Destroy All' button now remains visible when there is any amount of "destroyable" items selected.
- Fixed gray quality equipment applying incorrect bonuses.
- Fixed knowledges leveling too fast, which was mostly happening with 'Explorer'.
- 'Back' button on gamepad is now default for opening 'Skills' panel.
- Decreased Cannon Ammo size and base price.
- AI ships will try to stock a bit more drones now.
- Fixed repair drones not working on bigger ships.
- Fixed gunners not targeting enemy repair ships.
- Fixed (mostly) hostile/friendly detection.
Star Valor update for 22 August 2022
Update - 2.0.3
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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