Thanks everyone for providing feedback and letting me know about any bugs you encounter! I wanted to get a quick patch out for a couple of the more serious bugs as well as a couple QOL features some of you have been asking for.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when attempting to load a save file while in the middle of choosing a wait direction
- Fixed a crash on stage 22 related to the party banter on the world map
- Fixed a soft lock on stage 16 that could occur if a unit falls in battle twice
New Features / QoL Requests
- Added an option to display Tile Height during combat, it can be toggled On / Off in the settings menu
- Added a pause menu button during combat for mouse users so that you do not have to hit escape on the keyboard to open it
- The turn order list will now highlight units that you hover over with your mouse so that you do not have to click on them to check their turn order
- Added an option to display a unit's primary health bar (HP or FP) on the turn order list, it can be toggled On / Off in the settings menu
Please continue to provide any feedback or let me know of any bugs you find. Thank you for your patience as I deal with any issues that come up and I hope you continue to enjoy the game!
Changed files in this update