It's happening! We are "ready-ish" to begin testing the in-development build of Wayward. Many of you have probably already noticed your game updating if you were subscribed to the development branch on Steam. We are still working on a lot of stuff and all the features are not yet finalized, but we do have a name at least! The votes are in, this major release will be called "Wheels & Wetlands".
You can find a little of what to expect here from the latest newsletter:
But if you really want to see all of what's going on so far, you can check the in-game changelog or view our Trello for a more technical breakdown:
Here Be Dragons Drakes
As always, we would encourage you to back up your saves before trying this development branch of the game. By default, you can find your backups and save folders in the main Wayward directory. You can also export saves and global save data in-game if needed.
More information on how to change branches here:
Report any issues you spot. Godspeed!
Changed depots in development branch