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Game Dev Masters update for 21 August 2022

Announcing This Seasons End Date

Share · View all patches · Build 9355340 · Last edited 21 August 2022 – 02:06:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey there gamers;

The current championship season will end on September 30.

At that time the new champions will be crowned, and the top 10 players from each leader board will be recorded into the "Hall Of Fame" to forever show their dominance over the game and its player base. You have until that day to post new high-scores.

On October 1 we will launch update 1.4 and begin the next season of play.

This update also contains some really great improvements to the German translations. A huge thank you goes out to "CrazyDuck" in discord for his work proofing the German translations. He is not 100% done, but he got back to me with some great changes that I wanted to push live right away for our German players.

That is all for now, have fun and good luck to everyone posting scores. It is still a bit early to talk about the 1.4 update, but I can confirm the IP system is being revamped and expanded on. Soon you will be able to brand your own famous IP based on your created games that you can use, and improve through your studio's game dev journey.

To stay up-to-date with the games development, join the community discord, or just sit tight and wait for the update to land in October.

Thank you for your continued support, and remember to review the game if you are willing.

Windows 64-bitEnglish Game Dev Masters Content Depot 1478351
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