New Features and Improvements
- Added underground ore, indicated by ore spots on the ground near larger ore rocks
- Added a mine building, unlocked through technology, to gather underground ore
- Added the siege ladder, siege tower, and trebuchet and their relevant technologies
- Added mounting scorpions and catapults on towers, once the corresponding technology is researched
- Added 'Flaming Siege Shot', 'Curved Sword', and 'Adjustable Release' technologies
- Stockpile workers carry multiple resource types to the same destination
- Stockpiles and armories prioritize their move orders by quantity
- Units starting inside a building take a more efficient path to exit
- Greatly optimized the grouping of unit world icons
- Optimized spotting
- Various minor optimizations
Corrections and Fixes
Units following other units stopped short of their target
Buildings blocked movement after they were burned, disassembled, or destroyed by siege weapons
Humans could leave walls by the crenelated side
Units did not update their pathing when a gate opened or closed
An open gate did not allow units to path through it after loading the game
Units took jagged paths through unbuilt buildings
Animals did not always avoid swamps
Units following a another unit too fast for them to reach could move away from their target
The damage bonus for charging speed was not always applied correctly
Warriors equipped with a set containing only an axe did not auto attack
Humans ordered to upgrade their equipment who were not wearing a currently defined equipment set did not pickup the best available replacement items
The 'Fire Resistant Ram' tech did not apply to existing rams
Catapults did not move out of their minimum range properly when ordered to attack a building
Warriors would no pickup equipment from multiple armories in some cases
The scenario AI did not equip their warriors with the intended ratio of melee to ranged sets
A workshop with two workers sent the apprentice out for resources it did not need
Workshops could become stuck in rare cases
The fletcher could store more items than other workshops
A resource could not be gathered from in extremely rare cases
When loading the game, animals could leave the building where they were working
An armory would not give items to a unit for a move order if that item type was no allowed at the armory
A cart could not carry out an armory move order if the item type was not allowed at the cart's armory
Armory move orders to destination armories that did not allow the item type were attempted to be carried out by workers
Humans picking up a sickle to work at a pig farm did not always return
Humans working at a building when ordered to upgrade equipment did not complete their orders correctly
Dead horses and oxen that could be looted were not removed when a building was built over them
The bonuses from horses and oxen helping plant at a farm were not always applied as intended
The group icon for fletchers and armorers did not show their crafter type icon
On the main menu technology plan UI, technologies disabled by choosing their exclusive alternative remained disabled when switching technology presets
The allowed item types at a cart's armory could be displayed incorrectly
The 'Selective Breeding' tech did not require 'Large Cart'
When a selected enemy unit is no longer visible, they are removed from selection
When a selected owned building is captured, it is removed from selection
Various shadow bugs fixed
Catapults sometimes played their attack animation twice for one shot
- Humans who do not need to transport food, not including gathering, eat carried food before taking from stockpiled food
- Scenario AI set to equipment quality 'Medium' or 'Good' will use the 'Javelin Ankyle' technology
- Scenario AI set to equipment quality 'Good' will use the 'Flaming Arrows' technology
- Infantry using a spear deal counter damage to charging cavalry that hit them in melee; the 'Shield Wall' technology increases this damage
- The base warrior skill gain at the barracks is increased, and the effect of various bonuses to it is decreased
- Humans on a wall have a slightly increased spotting distance
- At a pasture, the master tamer's peasant skill increases the average quality of domestic animals created through taming at the pasture
- At a pasture, the master tamer's peasant skill is less effective as the number of animals increases; an apprentice tamer can help train several animals faster
- Siege weapon projectile splash damage is less effective and much more random
- Siege constructs slightly benefit from the warrior skill of their operators, and the operators gain warrior skill when attacking enemies
- Smelters change their icon to show that they are running and which type of ingot they are producing
- When ordered to disassemble a fortification, a human will disassemble all attached fortifications in the chain that are marked for disassembly
- Added an option to show or hide the world icons of siege construct operators
- When a stockpile or armory is selected, the 'UI Function' hotkey (default '~') toggles permission for all displayed resources or item types
- The Scenario and Free Build setup pages display the currently selected equipment and technology presets
- The equipment set UI in game updates the weapon selection buttons to reflect researched technology
- When hovering the cursor over an enemy domestic animal, a lasso rope icon is shown
- Improved the house icon
- Several technology descriptions are more thorough and clear
- The maximum number of forests in map parameters is increased
- Reduced the frequency of 'Starvation' messages
- Deselecting one construct when only constructs are selected does not switch to the attached tab
Changed files in this update