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Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions update for 20 August 2022

New Look, New Abilities and more fun!

Share · View all patches · Build 9354935 · Last edited 20 August 2022 – 21:59:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Added melee swing effects to attacks.
-Added melee swing effects to melee abilities.
-Added new emote system. Use /e or /emote in chat then type the emote you want to play for example. /e it will change to <emote> then type yes. Added Dance, SoulCrush, Kneel, Point, dontknow, falling, mime, kick, stunned, stomp, clap, thighclap, sarcasticclap, lowclap, armclap, fastclap, dust, moveout, no, yes, mine, throw, and job. More will be coming later.
-Added new horn customization options for Savages.
-Added ability for Savages to change their horn color.
-Added ability for Savages to change their tail size.
-Added new magic ultimate's that can be crafted. Teleport which lets lighting mages do just that, Glacier which allows ice mages to become immune to damage for a short time, Elemental Evocation which allows Evokers to summon one of the four elemental boss golems to fight for them for a short time (they don't listen to commands), Razor Bloom which allows poison mages to entangle enemies with roots apply poison and bleed, Incinerate which allows fire mages to shoot a fire beam from their hand for large amounts of damage, and lastly Divine protection which allows diviners to put armor on all friendly targets near them.
-Added ability for jolt to have a 20% x Tier chance of adding a stasis field to the ground that applies shocked.
-Added new 2h mace attacks to make it feel like you are using a hammer.
-Added new 2h axe attacks to make it feel like you are using an axe.
-Added new 1h mace attack chain.
-Added new 1h axe attack chain.
-Added new 1h dagger attack chain.
-Added ability for small shield to use the 1h attack chain but tower shields will all use tower chain.
-Added zoom in with ctrl + mouse wheel up.
-Added zoom out with ctrl + mouse wheel down.
-Added a potential fix for guild rep not saving its state.
-Added ability to use primary weapon skill while using a shield instead of just the taunt skill.
-Added books into hand when using a book.
-Added the shrines on special locations of map to give a 2 hr buff to player for visiting.
-Added an anti_cheese actor to boss fights so that if you pull the boss past the fight location they will despawn and you will have to wait for the bosses respawn timer.
-Added new npcs to take place of villagers at idols as their gods devotes.
-Added a new pvp/pve server bypass zone that makes the arena work for pvp on pve servers.
-Added 3 more hotbar slots for players to use.
-Added magic ball spells to be the default casts of their elemental staff.
-Added a ball spell variant to the summon staffs to match other staffs it will summon a raven projectile to hit the target.
-Added ability for players to visually see their abilities and potion on cooldown.
-Added skills/abilities to have a cooldown to them.
-Added special animations for each magic spell.
-Added new ability rising dragon for spears which gives a player an aoe damage area and wings.
-Added new ability flurry for spears which gives the players a quick succession attack.
-Added new ability Shield Bash for shields which knocks back targets.
-Added a new ability rapid fire for bow which shoots three arrows from your quiver.
-Added new ability piercing shot for bow which shoots an arrow with higher damage from your quiver.
-Added new ability reap for scythe that puts a bleed field on the ground to aoe apply bleed.
-Added new ability soul ignite for scythe which increases crit damage and mana regen at the cost of hp.

-Adjusted the loading screen look to match the UI changes.

-Disabled UI for protection due to Decay rework.

-Fixed some language not working properly.
-Fixed lag associated with non-built actors when placing a soul altar.
-Fixed soul altar not allowing things to decay even without soul orbs.
-Fixed soul altar consuming two orbs at a time.
-Fixed repair bench free repair exploit.
-Fixed certain carpets not being abled to be placed down.
-Fixed wooden staffs breaking apart too fast now is 10 seconds.
-Fixed repair bench two-stack repair exploit.
-Fixed bug with crouching and pathing.
-Fixed 2h having walk speed reduced.
-Fixed holster issue for wrong mesh with daggers.
-Fixed repair and upgraded messages to reflect not having totems anymore.
-Fixed when hitting auto run and then sitting causing the player to slide.
-Fixed issue where home marks wouldn't show after logging out without reclaiming the bed. Now will show when you log in.
-Fixed issue with casting and dodging where it would break staffs when dodging.
-Fixed equipment not calculating for weight when wearing it.
-Fixed weapons not having correct weight values.
-Fixed issues with dodging on paths.
-Fixed bed not destroying home mark when bed is destroyed.
-Fixed buffs/debuffs randomly falling off of the player.
-Fixed starter staffs having the wrong icon.
-Fixed carts not having weight limits.
-Fixed some headshot code still being left over.

-Readded ability for planters to be watered by rain due to it not being the cause of lag.
-Readded ability for planters to visually grown due to it not being the cause of lag.

-Removed hunger from KoA.
-Removed thirst from KoA.
-Removed magic ball spells.
-Removed ability to craft ball spells since they are contained in their staffs now.
-Removed the ui indicator for unused skill points.

-Reworked decay to now be a base line of 2 weeks without protection instead of 1 week. Also, soul altar auto repairs the base from decay. This gives you roughly 3 weeks of protection + repair.
-Reworked koa abilities to be used in the hotbar instead of the magic slot. A player will equip their weapon and then hit the number slot to cast the spell in that slot if requirements are met.
-Reworked magic spell slot into a potion slot where you can quick use potions. This slot will allow you to quick slot potions in and consume potions without having to play a drink animation.
-Reworked potions to be on a 30 second cooldown.
-Reworked all of KoAs UI.
-Reworked the player HP, MP, EP bar to all be centralized.

-Tweaked soul altar to repair building for twice as much as they decay.
-Tweaked fireball spells to be a new effect and changes size from t1-t3.
-Tweaked ice balls name to ice shard.
-Tweaked poison balls name to poison wisp.
-Tweaked lightning balls name to jolt.
-Tweaked holy balls name to divine orb.
-Tweaked jolt to move faster.
-Tweaked divine orb to move slower.
-Tweaked ice shard to move slower but picks up speed faster.
-Tweaked divine orb to be a new effect and changes size from t1-t3.
-Tweaked ice shard to be a new effect and changes size from t1-t3.
-Tweaked holy wall spell to become Holy Well and it applies a heal over time to allies that walk through the well.
-Tweaked poison wall to be noxious cloud that creates a cloud in the area is hits. The higher the tier the longer the cloud will last and the larger it is.
-Tweaked lightning wall to be stasis field that creates a lightning field that slows enemies. The higher the tier the longer it lasts and it gets larger.
-Tweaked fire wall ability to become Rupture that creates a lava fissure from the ground. The higher the tier the longer is lasts and it gets larger.
-Tweaked base weight from 300 to 450.
-Tweaked all food and drinks to give Health in place of hunger and Energy in place of thirst.
-Tweaked all wines to give Mana instead of thirst and energy.
-Tweaked holy pulse to be heavenly impulse and increased its range by 30% at each tier.
-Tweaked fire pulse to be combustion which increases a pyromancers crit chance by 10% x Tier for 6 seconds x Tier.
-Tweaked ice pulse to be called frozen winds and now has its ranged increased by 30% increased damage of frozen winds.
-Tweaked poison pulse to be contagion which applies a buff to banecaster that creates an aura around them which applies poison to creatures close to them. The higher the tier the larger aura it is.
-Tweaked lighting pulse to be galvanic bulwark which has a 30% + (10% per tier except T1) chance to cast lightning strike on targets that get too close. The higher the tier the longer this protection lasts.
-Tweaked ice wall to last longer.
-Tweaked fire meteor to meteor.
-Tweaked poison gob to spore which creates a spore on the ground and when an enemy touches it, it causes it to explode doing aoe damage. The higher the tier the more spores that are put on the ground.
-Tweaked ice meteor to blizzard a enhanced meteor spell that stays longer and hits multiple times.
-Tweaked holy rain to Blessed Rain.
-Tweaked building & hammer menu to be more opaque.
-Tweaked instant potions to give 60 at t1 160 at t2 and 260 at t3.
-Tweaked regen potions to give 100 at t1 200 at t2 and 300 at t3 over 15 seconds.
-Tweaked 2h sword last anim attack to be faster.
-Tweaked melee skills to include the offhand weapon in their skill pool.
-Tweaked dual wielding to allow the off hand weapon to apply status effects.
-Tweaked defensive walls to have health equivalent to their tiers.
-Tweaked dual wielding to provide 75% xp for main hand and 25% kill xp for the offhand.
-Tweaked lighting strike to be purple instead of yellow.
-Tweaked abilities/skills to not be able to be moved while on cooldown.
-Tweaked t1-t3 ability durability to be higher at lower level to allow for more use.
-Tweaked staff durability to match their weapon grade durability instead of all being in iron durability.
-Tweaked agility crit damage gain to be 1% instead of 2.5%.
-Tweaked size of item amount in potion slot and arrows slow to see item behind it. This will allow you to know what is in the slot and the amount.
-Tweaked all new abilities to also use their own animations.

Windows Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions Content Depot 1676381
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