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The Backrooms: Survival update for 20 August 2022

New Content Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 9353973 · Last edited 20 August 2022 – 14:19:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We have just released another weekly update! Since the last few updates added a lot of new hazards (ranged entities, status effects etc), this update adds some new things that can aid you.

Full changes:
-Added a "repair kit" item, which allows you to repair a weapon back to max durability
-Weapons show their durability on the inventory
-Added a new leaderboard for total entities killed in a run
-Added a "dubious liquid" item. Upon consumption, it has a completely random effect that could be good or bad. One good effect is that it has a chance to increase your maximum health by 10 for that run, up to a total of 150.
-Added chocolate bar food item, restores a small amount of hunger but can be stacked as they are small and compact
-Camera plays a "shutter" sound when it stops you
-Added milk item that restores a small amount of hunger alongside a thirst
-Updated the "combine" button text on inventory font as it was different from the rest
-Added an achievement for consuming the dubious liquid
-Added an achievement for repairing a weapon
-Fixed a bug where your run statistics (times chased, damage dealt, etc) were not saving and loading correctly
-Fixed a bug where the forest entry dialogue still plays even if disabled in the settings
-Updated the antivenom sprite
-Updated the teddy bear sprite
-Fixed a bug where saving next to bars/doors and loading would remove them
-Drinking SFX plays on consuming the antivenom
-Fixed a bug where bandages were no longer spawning
-Added bread food item
-Fixed a bug where hunger and thirst could exceed the maximum values via an exploit
-Fixed a bug where campfires were not burning players in multiplayer
-dubious liquid added to entity death loot

There will be another update out sometime next week. Cheers!

The Backrooms: Survival Content Depot 1889641
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