Thanks again to everyone who posted bugs in the discussions or took the time to write a review. All feedback is used to improve the game.
The changes this time are:
Added Traps tutorial
May have fixed a rare bug where Assassinating an enemy doesn’t hurt them.
Fixed an issue where some weapons spawned by chests etc would not be interactible unless you walked away from them and then returned.
Increased the size of all Glyphs of Force
Added Hexes tutorial
Fixed a bug that stopped the other hexes from spawning, meaning there are more than just ‘deadly’ hexes to be cursed with now.
Zar spawns stronger enemies
Fixed Female Knight not being able to parry
Increased all boss’s stamina in general to make them less easily stunlocked by quick attacks with powerful swords
Increased Lieutenant's base Stamina so that it takes longer before you can start staggering them with attacks
Added more vending machines to maps
Fixed an issue where Galleon in Dylath Leen would spawn enemies and chests out of bounds
Fixed Zoogs being semi broken when returning from Interiors
Morgan will only pick up as much food and water as she needs (beyond the first piece)
Photo Mode now works from the menu again
Fixed an issue where higher level shadow steps were costing a flat 5 mana instead of 5 mana with a regen of 4
More anomalies spawn in higher tier adventures now
Enemies that are actively fighting the player won’t be optimized away anymore.
Damage from being kicked into ragdoll is much less random
Death during ragdoll preserves momentum a bit better
Enemies De-spawning are handled a bit more subtly
Enemy damage from non ragdoll falls has been increased
Enemies don’t self interrupt their defensive abilities anymore, making it more likely they will successfully parry, block or dodge
Fixed an issue where enemies kicked off cliffs into the endless mists sometimes failed to die
Morgan will say some of her lines a bit less regularly
Morgan now comments if she reveals something that was hidden when searching in Astral Projection
Updated Adventure map with new customize interface opened when a map area reaches Level10:
- Tier can be adjusted freely
- The Tier slider is colored as an estimation of difficulty vs your leve
- Main spawn Faction is shown
- Iteration can be incremented but can also be decremented.
- Iteration can also be entered directly as any number.
- Iteration will also be generated if you input a word, such as your name.
- Any change to an iteration still has the increasing cost as before.
Changed files in this update