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Incursion: Reforged update for 20 August 2022

Small Update (EA 3.1)

Share · View all patches · Build 9352699 · Last edited 20 August 2022 – 05:59:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Attention Republic soldiers,
This is mostly a patch for the Reforged update. Overall, I think the Reforged update has been a huge success and I'm incredibly happy to see how many people have been playing almost all day since the update released. As expected with such a major update & so much of the engine being changed, from feedback I've managed to compile a list of many small problems that I'm now working to fix.

Multiplayer seems to have picked up a few problems with disconnects, although I was able to address some multiplayer problems here, the next update will feature more.

There was some good feedback to come out was that turrets could single-handedly carry a base defense game because of their insane damage, to the point where a single tier 1 turret could carry a conscript difficulty game for nearly half of it.

And the big one, is that higher difficulties need a lot more balancing.

I estimate the next patch will be within the next few days as I work to cross off more of the list. After these patch updates fixing & balancing all the Reforged changes, I'll be working to release a roadmap to highlight future updates to the game, the path to full release, new content, new features, etc.

So with all that in mind, here's the first batch of patches hot out of the oven.

Balancing Changes

  • Balancing: Zombie spawn rate now scales with number of players
  • Balancing: Reduced damage for all turrets
  • Balancing: Added perk level limits to difficulties so you can't play with too high of perks on lower difficulties. This was to avoid farming xp on lower difficulties using higher level perks
  • Balancing: Increased "Sprint Training" perk cost from 3,000 to 4,000
  • Balancing: Revolver reload speed increased from 1 to 1.5
  • Balancing: Revolver mag capacity increased from 7 to 9
  • Balancing: Revolver stored ammo increased from 84 to 126
  • Balancing: Slightly increased exploding zombie spawn chance

Map Changes

  • Changed: [St. Ignace (A)] Multiple surfaces updated to act as metal surfaces. Bars near zombie entrance points marked as penetrable
  • Changed: [Lighthouse] Added various railings & pillars
  • Changed: [Lighthouse] Added invisible player blockers to prevent falling off

General Changes

  • Added: Shop markers between waves (during ready up checks)
  • Added: Host can skip cutscenes
  • Changed: Doubled crawler move speed, from 0.7 to 1.4
  • Changed: Slightly reduced turret "new target" sound volume
  • Changed: Last Stand no longer plays wave start music (which overlapped with the action music)
  • Changed: Made evacuation buttons warp-in faster on St. Ignace (A) & Lighthouse
  • Changed: Dying during ready up vote now respawns the player
  • Fixed: Non-host sometimes would not have their damage perks work until re-equipping their weapon
  • Fixed: Dying on wave 0 caused the player to neither respawn or lose the game
  • Fixed: Reduced player logs spam. This will be addressed further in the next update as its the leading theory as to why some maps have a higher likelihood to crash). As this is further improved upon in this and future updates, decent performance improvements will also come as a result
  • Fixed: Surface lookup sometimes finding wrong surface if names were similar (i.e "Metal" vs "Metal Thin"). This was causing bullets to not penetrate the chainlink fence on Backstreet Market
  • Fixed: "Leg Day" perk not doing anything
  • Fixed: Being able to place buildables inside each other if done while in their ghost state
  • Fixed: Perks using the 'standard perk' class incorrectly creating warnings in the console that they were missing an implementation

Your Commanding Officer,
Blake Gillman

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