Lottery Coins:
Added a text particle that spawns when using a Lottery Coin
The text gives a brief, semi-vague description of the result of the Lottery Coin
Fixed Flumps not wandering properly when not aggroed on the Player
Adjusted logic for when Flumps make sounds while jumping (notably now make sounds when focused on the Bestiary screen)
-Fixed being able to block armor piercing damage when Invulnerable (fixes an exploit involving eating a Spurange while dashing)
-Slightly changed the logic of when enemies are considered "not aggroed"
-Fixed Chups spawning hit particles far above their bodies
-Changed logic for how bullets are positioned under the hood (don't think there are any bugs, but if there are, this is what'll cause them)
-Fixed item list indexes not properly updating when an item that was not currently equipped broke
Changed files in this update