No longer are the games going to be silent! The current system has a unique song for each map, it may change in the future.
Lift & Acceleration Cannon Sounds
The lift and acceleration cannons got some nice punchy sound effects!
Bots Can Use Lifts
Been working on this one for a while. They still aren't 100% using them when they should but are a lot of the times. Still going to be tweaking this one.
New Fire System
Yes another new fire system... This time you shouldn't really notice a huge difference but under the hood there's a lot that's been changed. This will make changing firing stats much easier on my end. On the user side you'll notice a more consistent speed to charge correlation.
New Knife Detection System
Again on the user side it won't be greatly noticeable. The new system does use less network data so lag should be reduced.
Engine Update!
Balloon Blast is now running on Unreal 4.26! Maybe one day I'll get it up to 5...
Bunny Hops
A new jump system is in place allowing players to perform a sort of bunny hop out of speed boosts or acceleration cannons. By consistently jumping a certain amount of momentum is preserved.
Debris Icon Animations
The debris UI icon will now animate while changing states.
Actual Loading Screens!
Thank you everyone for your support! I know updates are few and far between these days, I'm becoming more and more limited on my free time. But I will keep addressing bugs and feature requests as much as I can. I do have more features in the backlog that'll really spice things up!
See you out there!
-Leland <3
Changed files in this update