New Stuff
- HUD styling update
- New Font (Technically made it in last patch, more adjustments to prevent text wrapping coming soon)
- Added input buffering to weapons (Should help clean up scenarios causing weapons to miss fire when tap firing)
Balance Changes
- All guns now scale their physical damage with 10% of the players AP
- Cast time added to thermal vision
- Launch Pads should now launch players deeper into the lane
- R.I.P.uncturing rounds – Puncturing Rounds item removed from game
- Flamethrower – Energy cost reduced from (7) to (3/4/5/6/7)
- Heat Ray – Energy cost reduced from (5/6/7/8/9) to (3/4/5/6/7)
- Freeze Ray – Energy cost reduced from (5/6/7/8/9) to (3/4/5/6/7)
- Damage Coils – Armor pen reduced from (2/4/6/8/10) to (3/4/5/6/7)
- Lightweight Ammo – Armor pen reduced from (2/4/6/8/10) to (3/4/5/6/7)
- Boring Rounds – Innate armor pen reduced from (6/13/20/27/34) to (6/12/18/24/30)
- Medic Implant – Max HP increased from (100/200/300/400/500) to (200/300/400/500/600)
- Overcharged Cells – Ichor cost increased from (400/500/600/700/800) to (500/600/700/800/900)
Bug Fix
- Fixed minions not attacking towers (still may remain present to some degree in 0.15.31 expect more QoL updates around minion pathing in 0.15.32)
- fixed minions not targeting other minions properly “minions should be perfect and glorious in all their minion ways” – Robert aka “Astranyx” aka “Da Glorious Minion Overlord”
Changed files in this update