Fixes & Added:
Collision fixed on some places like the centre in the map Pflanzen & Cursed Hotel, to avoid getting stuck!
New characters Garry & Pornaa.
Upcoming / Currently Working:
Adding a new Mode with Single player in mind, where the player's will be able to get more interaction with the environment while avoiding from the surrounding enemies! In short, you performed a ritual which made you land in the world of dead/Hell. Stay alert from the dead while finding the demonic items from the walking creatures by being stealth or using traps. Return or stay forever! It's your choice to make. Can be played as being solo or with friends as a teamwork, instead of waiting for three players to start!
Addition of UI for getting notified! On who is alive or Dead/Left in the game.
Fixation for making the Voice Chat a bit distant, so that players will be able to hear each other within the ranges.
Changed files in this update