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Defend from Candyland! update for 19 August 2022

Version 0.5.1

Share · View all patches · Build 9349922 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Heya everyone, another major update is here!


To start with, there is a new look coming to Defend from Candyland! There are a bunch of characters coming in and they will now show you around Eden and help you out. The new home screen now looks like this:

We have new characters, joining the old ones, to take you to different places. Along with this, we have created a Fandom.Wiki page here: Defend from Candyland! which currently has more details about the characters, more will be added to it soon!

Oracle Tree.

Miss Applebee.

Seargent Switch.

Senorita Settings.

Monsiuer Morté.

Tiny Tia.

Doctor Dexter.


We have a new tower joining the fray and that is, the Cattail sniper!


This tower can hit all enemies, has a lot of power and has he largest range of any tower so far! This should certainly help against all enemies!

The Anti-Air Carrot Field also has an upgrade, the upgrade from Miss Applebee's shop now increases their fire power by 5 instead of 1. Take down those Flying Saucers!

Endless Mode

Endless Mode has had another update

The Endless Mode is now configurable, so, you can choose where you want the Spawning Jellies/Destination Trees to be! If however you leave it blank, Seargent Switch will randomly assign you between 1 & 3 of the Jellies/Trees.

Speaking of Endless Mode, there is now an Endless Mode of each level in the game to unlock! You need to have gotten 3 Apples on the level, this will then allow you to compete in an Endless Version of that level for another high score and more apples! This change also brings a new look to the level select!


Arman Mkhitarian has created another track for Defend from Candyland! to replace the current battle music. The old battle music is still in the game, however, it will only play when your health is in the red!


With the new characters, we now have Doctor Dexters Tips! If you pause the game, Doctor Dexter will pop up and give you a random tip about the game or its characters!


In the settings menu, the ability to manually save has now been added, along with, the ability to change your cursor!

So, with that, get out there and Defend from Candyland!

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