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Robber Knight update for 19 August 2022

Week 4 - Simple patch notes + quickpeek in what is to come

Share · View all patches · Build 9349582 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

So - for game destroying bugs, that is it. Not counting the building system that we are making much bigger and smoother, there are only some minor bugs left. So GOOD news - time for content updates.

But the content updates, to make it fascinating for you, will take us more time - to check and prepare. So we are switching to a Biweekly update period. But starting with the CO-op update.

So the next update will happen between 2-15 September 2022, ofc. But I will continue to post a note every week on Friday with things that are coming.

Why you need so much time for the next?

What is coming with the CO-OP update

  • CO-OP (with password protected lobbies)
  • New Map
  • Bigger (many new pieces for the modular part) and smoother building system
  • New premade buildings
  • A lot of decorative items
  • New Textures (I cleaned up everything properly, so you should not have problems on older PCs)
  • More human life on map (more caravans etc.)
  • The villagers will have their routines
  • More quests
  • Quests and Knowledge journal with how to do what in game (In journal)
  • New weapons
  • Better guides for the player, and difficulty areas. But less inviting for I WANT IT NOW type of people.
  • And some surprises from the work-in-progress list and community-request list
  • New building materials

5 types of stone-type building material: Brick, Granite, Slate, Sandstone, Limestone

5 types of trees: elm (for bows, ropes), birch (health brews, tar, tableware, furniture, coal), Pine (Buildings), Poplar (Furniture, little buildings, barrels, Spruce (shields, fortifications)

Even more less inviting for I WANT IT NOW type of players.

We are not here to make tons of money. Maybe it will happen, but it does not matter. We are here to make a game - that people who are engaged in our project will love.

And by reading those of you who are really engaged (The majority, of course, not 100%). You would like to have more layers of the crafting - leveling system. More decisions into what shall I pick to get what I want etc. etc.

So if you are a type of player - I started the game - I want to beat a knight in full armor and burn a village. Sorry, this is not a place for you. This is or rather will be a place for old school gamers - with patience, willing to make up a plan, build a camp - and then decide how to get to it. Our hope is that we will - install some of this virtues in younger people.

But we will move the knights in the more difficult areas. We just thought that it is pretty obvious, even without a skull flying over his head. That a knight in a full plate armor was a mighty opponent at this time and on level one(1-20) you will not be able to beat him. We are willing to learn and change all the time. Despite the fact, some of you might consider us dinosaurs as we started our gaming carrier on something called Amiga.

If of course we have misinterpreted your wishes - tell us right away - we started so early, so we can be fully flexible and grant your wishes true.

Patch notes

Windows 64-bit Depot 1887021
  • Loading history…
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