Here's the most important changes since last update:
New features:
•New british voicelines + removed some old and low quality voices.
•Auto vault when sprinting.
•New Tank Repair zone model + despawn bug fix.
•More areas added to Stalingrad map. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Colder Stalingrad lights. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Added soviet tank scope sight. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Added previews of Mission 2 and 3. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Added many more buildings and props. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Improved Map Building & Prop spawn and collision system.
•Improved Tank AI pathfinding on hills.
•Improved Tank AI to prevent it from getting stuck.
•Improved AI behaviour on opening doors and windows.
•Improved smoke emission from destroyed buildings.
•Faster loading in main menu.
•Improved French translations.
•Fixed weird behaviour in jumping.
•Improved explosion system and explosion simulation.
•Improved sounds in some weapons.
•Other smaller changes from 📢feedback and 💡suggestions on Discord.
•Fixes in Stalingrad mission 1. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
Also this weekend we will give away around 20 new keys for people that are willing to help testing the Stalingrad DLC inside the Discord server, so make sure to join it. Inside the Discord server is also possible to get in touch for feedbacks and suggestions.
The Stalingrad DLC doesn't have a precise release date yet, but it will happen in the first or second week of September and it will feature at least 7 missions on the Stalingrad map where it will be possible to use many new uniforms, vehicles, weapons. Also the Soviet faction with it's own voice acting and all the props used on Stalingrad map will be available for Map Makers using Stalingrad DLC.
Finally, if you wanna give us a hand to improve Easy Red 2 this is our Patreon channel. All the money raised from this will be spent to make a better game.
Thank you so much,
Changed files in this update