Hi, everyone. Welcome to this week's developer's diary.
During this week's development, Shanghai gets some extremely high temperatures just like many other parts of the world.
It looks like everything is melting by the sun.
I have to modify my air conditioner a bit to avoid it from randomly breaking down. It's a good practice, I learned some new tricks and there is no need to hire someone in such a busy season of their business.
However, it still feels like everything outside my room is burning.
It's almost just like the Unlucky-13 Motel in our game.
During this week's update, we get some information on how that motel turned into a foothold of hellish power to invade the world of humans. In desperate times, such as a zombie apocalypse, people seek desperate methods. Some may even consider the world hopeless with all the bad things happen to it recently. So, here we are. We got a motel blending different dimensions.
In addition to previous content, fire imps, and a succubus appeared in this area.
Apparently, she wants to give you a warm welcome. :)
But, let's stop everyone's erotical fantasy right here before this playful succubus breaks our serious demonic business vibe.
Mephisto now offers your more deals in exchange for your soul. From new spell books to temporarily increasing your magic power, from new fire imp pets to a speedy recovery, he provides a wide range of strategical and tactical advantages to overcome the obstacles you face in your adventure at the cost of your soul.
How far will you go to achieve your objectives no matter what they are? When will you fall into such temptations as those power look so sweet? Will you take those shortcuts to make your life a bit easier in a world with all the dangerous enemies from shadow?
(Detailed list here: https://neolithia.fandom.com/wiki/Deal_With_the_Devil)
But, as a quite skilled demon, he will not just stop here. You can be more than his food. You can be his partner. Thus, he purposes you may get your soul back if you can provide other's soul to him. Each human soul you acquire for him can get 1% of your soul back from him.
Pick up a ritual sickle, and you can find a lot of potential victims in this world.
Maybe it's better to just sacrifice others than yourself while you can still enjoy endless demonic powers.
(More details here: https://neolithia.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_Sickle)
Such is the majority part of this week's update.
Evil is powerful. Evil is convenient. Evil is badass. Evil is sexy.
That's why evil can so easily corrupt. That's why people fall into it.
However, most of those new evil activities will have a negative impact on your karma. It may also further damage your relationship with factions you harmed during the process. For example, Queensmouth survivors will hate you for killing one of their scavengers; the police in Liu will try to hunt you down if you commit such atrocities as soul harvesting; The Dragon, they are just watching for now. But, maybe they will send someone to deal with you later if your amok in their town gets too far.
I believe in the good of humanity. But, I will not avoid adding evil content to the game. Because this is how a world supposes to be. In a world full of temptation and sins, to stay untainted becomes a noble quest of life all by itself till the day of judgment.
It is also not without help. A ring that makes people immune to high-temperature environments also got added to the game in this week's updates as well.
I'm pretty sure we can survive the heatwave without enlisting any demonic powers. :)
Today's changelog:
New item: Soul Sickle. (Details on Wiki: https://neolithia.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_Sickle)
The Skeleton Cultists in the Secret Tunnel of Queensmouth may drop this item.
A new type of merchant "Shady Dealer" may sell this item when they randomly appear in the Commodity Market of Liu. (Shady dealers also sell random potions that can cause poison and/or slow.)
The item can be used to harvest souls from certain human victims.
You can use it on random citizens in Liu. (New dialog option if you have this item in your inventory after you defeat them.)
You can use it on random police officers in Liu. (New dialog option if you have this item in your inventory after you kill them.)
You can use it on random monks in Liu. (New dialog option if you have this item in your inventory after you kill them.)
You can use it on random homeless people in Liu's Sewer. (New dialog option if you have this item in your inventory after you kill them. Negative impact on the relationship between you and the Beggar King.)
You now have the choice of whether to collect the corpse of a dead Queensmouth Survivor Scavenger.
You can also have the choice to harvest their souls if you have soul sickles. However, it will further damage your relationship with the Queensmouth survivors.
The same applies to the crazed survivors in the 1978 version of Queensmouth. (You can harvest their souls and collect their corpses. No impact on the relationship with any factions.)
The same applies to the crazed workers in the Unfinished Building. (You can harvest their souls and collect their corpses. No impact on the relationship with any factions.)
The same applies to the Illuminati Mercanries near Queensmouth airport. (You can harvest their souls and collect their corpses. No impact on the relationship with any factions. It only works when they are not corrupted and still hostile to you.)
The same applies to the targets of procedurally generated mission <<They Will "Suicide" for Their Crime>>. (You can harvest their souls and collect their corpses. No impact on the relationship with any factions.)
Harvesting Souls is an atrocity that has a negative impact on your karma.
Changed files in this update