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MAJOR Small Shop update for 19 August 2022

Update 0.1.0 Out Now!

Share · View all patches · Build 9344831 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:44:35 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Small shop’s first major update!

We hope everyone had a great summer and enjoyed our game!

We are actively listening to our gamers community and keep making progress toward a better game. Although there is still a lot to expect for this game, we are doing our best to add more features to the game so everyone can get closer to their dreaming little shop.

After this update, we are adding some features to make the little shop more realistic and make your life easier.

The Register

As our players pointed out, who puts all the cash under the counter!
Now we have the register for users to collect and store all the cash from customers.
This cashier has a drawer that will open automatically when the customer is paying.
This cashier does not need any upgrades and will appear when you start the game.

The Credit Card

Living in 2022 I bet most people use credit cards or contactless payment methods much more than cash. Here we introduce the card reader machine and credit cards decorated with the Small Shop logo on it!

You can find this credit card unlock option in the upgrade menu. You will find that every customer is using a credit card now after this upgrade. No more making changes!
When the customers are paying, they will hand you a credit card instead of cash. All you need to do is grab the card and tap it on the register! Cha-ching, transaction is done!
This will save you so much time and you can focus on adjusting the prices to get maximum profit per day!

Other updates

Yes, we have added some motor vehicles to the street to make the environment more vibrant.
Now there are cars, limos and police cars driving on the street in front of the store!

We have also changed the game playtime to 3 minutes per day. We hope this will give you a better gaming experience as you can have more customers per day.


1.add cars on the street
2.add the cashier machine
3.add credit card feature
4.10+ brand new items
5.add settings - now you can adjust the counter height
6.extend game playtime
7.optimize price customer flow equation - We have made price model adjustments to make the customer flow vary as you change the pricing. Please enjoy finding out the best pricing to gain maximum profit for different items!
8.add teleport - now you can point to the ground and teleport to the location by pressing a button

bug fix now will stack properly
2.fixing the restock now showing up properly problem
3.fixing the bug where grabbing cash may have collision errors

minor issue:
1.brighten the room environment
2.fixing a bug where duplicate item in summary when multiple shelves have same product
3.fixing a issue where language sometimes do not display properly

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