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Endless Bullet Heaven update for 18 August 2022

Version 1.09: Practice Mode, New attacks, Visual changes, etc!

Share · View all patches · Build 9343137 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Thank you for playing Endless Bullet Heaven! Update notes below:

1.09 (Practice Mode Update! Also some other additions and changes)


  • Added 3 new bullet patterns: "Spinning Axes", "Go Fish", "Binary" (all of them also have some minor variations)

  • New Feature! Practice Mode!
    You can now practice any bullet pattern you've seen from the main menu! Replay your favorite bullet patterns, re-fight bosses, etc!

You earn no points, but achievements related to getting hit by a certain bullet type are still enabled in this mode.
This fixes a long term game design issue (which really bothered me) where in order to get all achievements, it was most efficient to purposely throw runs. Thankfully, that is no longer the case!
(Expect a big achievement update in the near future thanks to this change!)

  • Added an additional music track to the random selection

Misc Changes:

  • Made some fixes to the in-round GUI. Now you can go to really high scores without text/UI issues

Figure A (above): Hey check out my totally legitimate high score

  • Improved some sprites/animations

An example of this is here:

  • Added several new particles and visual effects
  • Added a "Low Detail Mode" which removes these visual particles and effects. This may help reduce lag or improve visual clarity, but otherwise has no effect on gameplay. On by default
  • Slightly touched bullet patterns "Tempest", "Leaf Storm"; and gave them sounds
  • Reworked "Inwards/Outwards Barrage" to have slower but denser projectiles
  • Nerfed "ANGRY BUBBLES" -> Slower tracking
  • Fixed several uncommon bugs
  • Probably some other changes I forgot to note

Closing Notes
That should be all! Apologies if this update seems a little lighter on new stuff. While practice mode may sound like a pretty negligible addition, it had a lot of weird quirks to figure out as well as requiring a lot of manual, tedious work (such as taking the screenshots for each bullet pattern). However, I'm glad I took the extra time since it was important to get right.
I'm also getting my computer sent off for repairs shortly after this update drops, so unfortunately I can't make any promises in regards to how soon the next update will be. Hopefully it should be before the end of the month.

As usual, if there's any issues either yell at me on twitter or send an email to . Cheers!

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