It's about 1 week after the release of Planetary Defense. I am thrilled to say thank you for playing my game! The support has been a dream come true and I am more motivated than ever to get back to work. I am always open to suggestions and quality of life fixes, if you would like to leave more feedback please feel free to use the google form link below to tell me how I can improve this experience.
This patch is somewhat small and will feature some new adjustments and some balance changes to help give better variation to game play.
Please stay tuned for my Fall update where I will introduce a new enemy type, new lore, and improved visuals.
Feedback form
UI Update
The scoreboard was moved from the top center to the top left corner and the font was changed
Several sound effects had their volumes adjusted
Game Play Changes
Certain variables were adjusted for the projectiles to give more variety in their performances and some items were renamed for readability and simplicity
Projectile Changes
A visual trail was added to the projectiles for a visual effect
Fuel Systems
Acid Core renamed to Lava Core
Eco Sys renamed to Eco Acid
Thrusters their order in their facility panel drop down is in a new order
Impulser’s burn rate .15 -> .2
Rocket’s speed 5 -> 4, burn rate .9 -> 1, cost 450 -> 650
Kinetic’s burn rate .3 - > .4
Battery renamed to Repulser. Burn rate 1.5 -> 0.5
Invasion Changes : certain mechanics were added to help with changing up the late game
A new enemy variant called Heavy has been added to Red Roamer, and Orange Orbiter lines. These Heavys come in the late game and will take a significant amount of hits to take down.
New invasion mechanics have more UFOs come in the late game to increase difficulty
In the works
A major change will come for the Fall Update to add a new enemy type with new behaviors called the Frigate. I am open to suggestions and ideas for this enemy type.
Also in the works will be a difficulty system, and new scoreboards for those difficulties.
This update will be coming in October
Feedback form
Changed files in this update