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Skullgirls 2nd Encore update for 18 August 2022

Beta Mode Update [2022-08-17]

Share · View all patches · Build 9341739 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, Liam here.

Today's update includes a lot of new tools and moves for Black Dahlia to use. The command list should be updated with all of these new moves, so don't forget to check it out if you can't remember everything new.

  • Fixed a bug where Double's 19th palette wasn't working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where lobby names wouldn't always display the correct title. (Ex: SGLOBBYNAME37)
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when hovering over Black Dahlia in retail mode on character select.

  • Added a work in progress AMMO HUD INDICATOR. Please note that this is not created using our usual UI and HUD tools, as this is just a prototype. You may notice it shake and shift during gameplay. After we have time to process feedback and ensure there are no issues, it will be updated - thanks for your understanding!

  • Updated Dahlia with even more cleaned up animations and more voice acting.


    • RAIL SHOT - A straight beam that knocks down on hit.
    • ICE SHOT - An arcing shot that freezes opponents on contact, allowing time to set up and reload.
    • LIGHTNING SHOT - A shot that fires straight forward unaffected by gravity with plenty of hitstun and blockstun.

    • Performs an attack that "empowers" Dahlia's actions when it connects. You can activate an empowered move by holding HP during any HP normal, or holding HP quickly after landing a ground throw. Using an empowered move removes the empower buff.

    • Place a doily on the floor with the first use of the move, and perform the same strength (LK/MK/HK) to teleport to that doily location. Performing a different strength will replace the last thrown doily with a new one.
    • Hold K during Tea Slip to feint it, teleporting in place.
    • Tea Slip (feint) will be performed automatically if teleporting while an assist is traveling on screen or landing.

    • After performing this Blockbuster, press any of the six attack buttons to flick and load ammo types matching the corresponding button. Check the in-game command list for more details.
    • Completing the Blockbuster will also "empower" Black Dahlia.

    • Can now receive Rail, Ice, and Lightning shots from the MP and HP version.
    • (... Technical: The order in which Rail, Ice, Lightning, Fire, and Buck shots are chosen is now randomly determined at the beginning of the round. Ammo types will be drawn in that order until they have all been chosen. Once the ordered list is empty, another randomly determined order for special ammo types will be created again to be chosen from. The only exceptions are that you cannot load two of the same special ammo types with HP reload, and you cannot load any special ammo types that were loaded in the previous reload. Using these rules you can often predict the next special ammo types that will be loaded next.)
    • Removed super cancel window while ammo has been tossed upwards.
  • STAGE HAZARD (QCF + KK, Barrel)

    • If the barrel is broken (too many hits against the opponent) and struck again, it will detonate. This allows another avenue for allies (or Dahlia herself) to trigger the barrel explosion without Dahlia being the point character.
    • Dahlia's JLK will now ignite barrel and oil, since it's a fire attack.
    • Buck Shot ammo type will now ignite the barrel, like her Snapback.
    • The barrel begins rolling and creates a hit after 8 frames of being kicked, instead of instantly.
    • Most hits from Blockbusters and Special Moves now trigger a "hard" barrel rolling hit reaction (the knockdown one) instead of the "medium" one.
    • Hard hits against the barrel now roll slightly further and faster.
    • If the barrel hits the stage edge after Dahlia kicks it initially, it will retain its hitbox and velocity for a little bit to ensure combos in the corner.
    • Expanded the range at which Dahlia's cHP can detonate the barrel's oil.
    • A well placed Dahlia cHP can now immediately detonate the barrel.
    • Tweaked barrel hitboxes when rolling.
    • Robo-Fortune's Catastrophe Cannon is no longer blocked by the barrel.
    • Increased initial barrel velocity when kicked by Dahlia.
    • Tweaked projectile collision rules between the barrel and other projectiles.
    • Fixed a bug where hitting the barrel with an allied cHP would not send it forward with a hit.
    • Increased width of oil puddle explosions to help ensure the chain reaction of explosions never ends unexpectedly.
    • Fixed a bug where the "jumping over the barrel" secret would trigger unexpectedly.
    • Fixed a bug where performing a DHC out of the Blockbuster too early would cause the barrel to vanish.
    • The barrel is no longer invincible when kicked initially. This allows it to be struck earlier to stop its hit, but it also will block attacks sooner.

    • Increased Buck Shot frame advantage on block. Now +7.
    • Reduced Buck Shot frame advantage on block as part of her Tag-In to ensure it's not safe on block.
    • Increased length and size of Buck Shot range. Completely reworked hitboxes to match the art closer. (... Buck Shot range is drastically increased)
    • Increased Buck Shot hitstop on wall collision, and slightly increased launch height.
  • Decreased air "Order Up!" (air QCF + P) start up to match that of the ground version.

  • Increased sMK start up by 2F

  • Decreased cLK hitstun and recovery by 2F.

  • sHP now performs a floor bounce against airborne opponents.

  • Increased tag-in landing recovery by 4F.

  • Fixed a bug where Dahlia wasn't using the latest reversal buffer rules like everyone else. Performing reversal actions out of hitstun, blockstun, and wake up is now easier.

  • Fixed an issue where Dahlia's broken off pieces from her JHK saw would inherit her hitstop, stopping their animations unexpectedly.

  • Taunt buffs the next Ice Shot.

(Version number 3.5.4)

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Windows Skullgirls Beta Windows Depot 245180
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