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Princess & Conquest update for 18 August 2022

v0.19.08 Early Access 📖

Share · View all patches · Build 9341521 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

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One final stable build before we get to some serious stuff like the Bird NPCs animation (this way every Progeny race will have at least one) and the final animation replacing the old CGs (poor Slime left for last!)

But hey, there are pretty cool additions, since pretty much everybody has been asking for a CG Gallery!

Size: 744.3 MBs

Additions and changes:

ːswirliesː Cat X Kobold Princess campsite scene II added
ːswirliesː Diana can now be found roaming the Kingdom, offering you to check her artworks (aka the complete CG Gallery)
ːswirliesː Added 3 Mice Sister in the Clocktown! Socket (Biomedical Engineering), Helah (Clocktown Chemistry) and Chime (Clock Repairs)
ːswirliesː Added new icons for World Map locations (Beach, Lamia Ruins, Sewers Entrance, Babs' Hut)
ːswirliesː New mechanic: Offer a Round!

Pay for a round for everyone in Faun's Tavern, gain 1 Affinity with every race of patrons in the Tavern and get a 20% chance to affect that Reign Diplomacy scores too

ːswirliesː Added "Pervert's Dash" reward! 10x Golden Voucher (free "Offer a Round" in Faun's Tavern) and "Kobold/Human/Goblin Bartender" costume for Kobold/Human/Goblin Princess and Progeny! Get them by using the code you get by completing the minigame!
ːswirliesː Kobold/Human/Goblin Progeny wearing the Bartender costume can be (rarely) met in Faun's Tavern
ːswirliesː Reworked assets for many NPCs (Arcane Princess, Babs, Bandit/Knight Princess, Bumpkins, Farmers, Pumpking, Hammerhead Princess, Scarecrows, Snail Princess). More to come in the next updates.
ːswirliesː Mermaid Progeny now has 8 new haircuts (5 for the standard + 3 for the WHALE-sized mermaids) and an additional hair colour that can be obtained in the moths' "Papillon Rose" salon
ːswirliesː New Cheat added: "Performance"! Get Diana Portfolio (CG Gallery item)!


ːswirliesː Fixed issues with Spritz weapon-tied skills
ːswirliesː Fixed issues with Spritz Daycare depositing/withdrawing and its Distribution Points reset
ːswirliesː Fixed Fairy Princess scene ending and issues when replaying it
ːswirliesː Fixed permanent Cursed Porgy status on anyone but Human Princess
ːswirliesː Fixed Wyvern Princess flying sprites breaking in some occasions
ːswirliesː Fixed crashes and other issues sorting the Dear's Daycare with Spritz in it
ːswirliesː Fixed Sort choices not being readable in Dear's Daycare
ːswirliesː Fixed Dragon NPC Faint reappearing in Desert Festival endlessly after being recruited
ːswirliesː Fixed Cardinal Bell not being usable on holstauri
ːswirliesː Fixed Dragon Princess II's maids having the wrong sprite inside her castle
ːswirliesː Fixed Progeny flying on the overworld map and stopping on an unpassable tile crashing the game
ːswirliesː Fixed custom Human/Golem Progeny, possibly other races, showing buggy portraits on diaries (when playing with custom Princesses)
ːswirliesː Fixed "Offer a Round" option not showing in Faun's Tavern if the Barmaid Gown is already gifted/in inventory
ːswirliesː Bird/Human/Slime Progeny occasionally re-randomizing itself after the first time you talk to said NPCs
Love Whip causing reverse battle-fucks on non-succubi (Progeny could end in an endless animation loop)
ːswirliesː Bird Princess' STAMP scene will now be prevented if the Kingdom is peaceful or if every war happening in the Kingdom involves Mermaid Princess
ːswirliesː Fixed many animations not unlocking and not remaining unlocked in Babs' Gallery after going to NG+ (Wyvern Ending, Cat/Goblin NPCs, Mouse feet, Rabbit, Frog, Mermaid...)
ːswirliesː Fixed black screen upon entering the Clocktown during the final phase of Skeleton's Route
ːswirliesː Fixed Slime Princess' scenes freezing under certain unrelated circumstances
ːswirliesː Fixed some of Cat Princess "bitter" expressions
ːswirliesː Fixed overworld flight commands working when you're on certain menus

(Wonderful Dog Princess fanart by littleliliac)

Changed depots in beta branch

View more data in app history for build 9341521
Windows Princess & Conquest Content Depot 1083881
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