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梦江湖 update for 19 August 2022

August 19th Edition Update Notes (Official edition)

Share · View all patches · Build 9339403 · Last edited 19 August 2022 – 01:59:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
[Official edition] August 19 version update notes
  1. Optimize the display of archiving time. After updating, the archiving time will be displayed according to the time of the last overwrite.
  2. Fixed the problem that some teammates could not display properly when Yuwenzhuang's secret room was enlightened under certain circumstances
  3. Lower the mastery requirement of "[Hangzhou] Lu Yu's Troubles"
  4. Optimize the prompt text on the display interface of Guanyin image

Feedback problem description:
Recently, I have received various feedback from the heroes, although these changes have not been pushed to the official version. Problems that are currently known and are being investigated and fixed:
(1) Part of the function of Zhou Mu succession failure, similar to the big map Guanyin shrine, Yu Wen Villa repair progress, and even the role potential breakthrough after the new Zhou Mu quality inheritance problem.
(2) The content of the wish task of some roles is "challenge the master", which causes obstacles to the related functions such as "kicking the museum" and "collecting salary".
③ The week eye settlement can not be normally taken out of the apprentice.
④ Abnormal initial attribute generation of some NPCS (not caused by potential breakthrough function after preliminary investigation)
(5) Part of the task completion conditions of the harsh adjustment, will also be carried out in succession

All of these issues are expected to be fixed in next week's release; In addition, the enhanced system and additional protagonists are already under debugging and will be tested first. It is expected to be officially launched next week.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1471181
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