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Spirit Hunters: Infinite Horde update for 18 August 2022

Content Update 02

Share · View all patches · Build 9338766 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It has been 2 weeks since our first major content update. We are planning to do a few smaller improvement-focused updates that address feedback, set up systems for future work and make the current game experience better.

For this update, we focused on improving some game clarity issues and making harder monsters more valuable... and of course cleaning up some annoying bugs. :al_bug:

We heard all the feedback about not being able to plan where to go on the Divinity Web due to unlocks being hidden. So we reworked the way things are displayed. You can now see the name and type of all major nodes from the start of the game. The minor nodes and costs are still hidden, but every skill, hero, pet, map, and all passives are now dark grey icons with visible information. We also used this opportunity to improve some of the visuals on the divinity web for clarity reasons.

We've introduced a new indicator system, to provide more clarity on certain objects, and to perhaps do some "interesting" stuff in the future.

As soon as a miniboss spawns, an arrow with an icon will point out the direction it is (if offscreen) and it will stay onscreen until you defeat it or the end boss spawns. So you can always chase them down or if you are trying to avoid a miniboss like that evil Fire Cactus with the massive aura, you will always know where it is coming from. If the boss dies offscreen, the indicator will be used to point at the chest it drops.

"I have all this money and I can't find a shop!" We hear this a lot, so we added shop indicators. When you get close to a shop, an arrow will point it out. Once you have found a shop, an indicator will point towards it but will begin to fade out the further you get away from it.

Since all enemies have the same soul drop chance, small easy enemies were worth the same value as harder ones. Now we added higher value souls that drop from harder enemies and a rare white soul that can drop from chests.

Spine Dunes had too many very long walls and a bunch of dead ends making it really difficult to traverse. So we changed the layout to have far more openings and removed all dead ends. It's still not open like some other zones, but it's a lot easier to explore and get out of tough situations.

Some monsters have had new and more interesting animations added. Things like rocks burst into rubble on impact now. This will be ongoing and more and more monsters will be further animated as development continues.

Before it looked like every new save file was automatically set to hardcore after you unlocked it in the Dweb. Now its more clear that it's a checkbox that is set to default by... default. You have to check the hardcore box to change it into a hardcore save file.

:sadhf: MOON MUMMY
Our self-appointed mascot gained 7HP... It's not much, but it fulfils our contractual obligation to give him a buff in every update.
Edit Nate - Dammit Peet! We don't have a contractual obligation! Stop buffing Moon mummy!
Edit Peet - Dont let him hear you say that... We don't want to see the dark side of the moon...

As always we are continuing to address all the bugs we see in the Steam forum and our Discord.

:al_bug: A projectile issue has been resolved. This was primarily on Viper Village bosses and a few other rare situations. Basically, in magical circumstances, it was possible for projectiles not to be initialised, and have zero speed or damage. So they'd just sorta float from the place they were fired from.
:al_bug: Invisible mouse cursor when the controller plugged in issue should be fixed. These were some changes to help enhance controller support in the future but should have the added benefit of HOPEFULLY fixing the drift bug that caused the controller UI to drift.
:al_bug: Controller cursor checkbox issue fixed.
:al_bug: Issue fixed on the map screen, where your map selection could reset upon hitting "start" when using a controller.
:al_bug: We have an issue where upon updates some anti-virus applications flag the executable as a false positive. This can put the game in a sorta "sandbox" where the game cannot save/load properly and save games end up getting corrupted. We've now added a flow where when you click start, and before the save slots are shown, a few tests are made. If problems happen then you will be shown a warning screen with some information on where to go for more information. This is less of a bug, and more of some hopefully help prevention as we look into ways to resolve this false-positive flagging.
If you run into issues with saves - checkout discussion Topic on our steam forum

:al_bug: Certain enemies exploding can no longer shoot the player across the screen... even though it was a pretty fun bug... unless it happens on the end boss and you are launched into the death spikes. hehe :P
:al_bug: Maxine randomly starting with Vivian data should be fixed.
:al_bug: Hugo clipping through Cemetery treelines is fixed.
:al_bug: Minor environment collision fixes across multiple zones.
:al_bug: Some optimisation work on what gets loaded into the maps.

:sadhf: HOT FIX
:al_bug: - Several Minibosses were immortal, this has now been fixed.

So what's next on the list?.....

Next Content Update: Bestiary + Pet Rerolls + Core Roadmap!

Here is an early concept for the Bestiary. There are still some things to solve, but we have a pretty good plan in place for it, and we're excited to get it in the game.

We are also working hard on future ability and progression system designs that will add massive depth to the game. Hopefully, we can share some of this soon. :)

As always we greatly appreciate your patience and we continue to refine the game. We will continue to welcome and read any and all feedback.

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