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Gloria Victis update for 18 August 2022

Weekly Update 330: Convenience Improvements!

Share · View all patches · Build 9338559 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Warriors!

A new update is live! It always brings tweaks to the various systems, enriches your game experience, brings some gameplay improvements, and fixes reported bugs. But on top of that, this time we’ve focused on several convenience–related improvements. We hope you’ll love the changes!

Every two weeks, we are also making a small community breakdown, rewarding our content creators and active members of the community with Ambers, and promoting their content on our social media hubs. Thank you for spreading the word about Gloria Victis, and helping our community to grow!

The screenshot’s authors will be awarded. kchance, Chris, and [UHHH] Glampstron – you’ll receive your reward soon!

Changelog v. Beta

Quality of Life

– We decided to improve the UX of the Catacombs event by giving icons of entrances for the whole time of the event in progress and give information when the event fails.
– Improved synchronization when another player recently released input. Until now, the player would stop and be “teleported” a moment after stopping, which could lead to issues with desynchronization. This was an issue for both - mounted and not mounted players.
– “Select challenges for today” mini notification now opens up directly on the daily challenges instead of on the main page of the Achievements window.
— We unified the way in which progress percentage is being shown on UI. From now on both Quest Log and Notifications will show exactly the same percentage.


– Fixed an issue causing initialization of various objectives in starting quests not to work correctly.
– Fixed an issue where some spawners were unable to spawn a mob or boss, for example, an elephant on a Frontier Pass event.
– Fixed an issue causing the Catacombs event to start much fewer times than before the last changes.
— Fixed some edge cases in the Frontier Pass event that could lead to a not desirable gameplay experience.

Every-two week Video contest

We cannot stress enough our happiness and gratitude to see such nice videos posted almost every day by our active community!

Today, we want to reward four players with the main reward – 2000 ambers:

For The Boyz, for his great idea to do some interviews with our veterans:

Komodor, for his next story from the Gloria Victis world:
And Doonsides, for proving that sometimes you need only your fists to knockdown the enemy:

Please reach Daimon Frey#5854 on Discord and provide your in-game nickname to receive your reward!

#gloriavictis and #playgloriavictis are becoming even more visible thanks to your help and contributions. Be sure to use them in your video descriptions!

Gloria Victis Depot Depot 327074
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