- New world available: "Dark Castle"
Area 1: Cursed City
Area 2: Dark Castle
- Changed the effect of status ailments on the King:
The "Poisoned" status will now deal a low amount of damage over time and slow movement by 50% for the duration of its effect
The "Bleed Out" status will now deal a medium amount of damage over time and reduce healing by 50% for the duration of its effect
The "Burn" status will now deal a high amount of damage in a reduced amount of time
- The "Stomp" attack will now kill enemies with max health below a threshold in one hit
- The animation cancel window on pistol attacks has been extended to improve the King's reaction to attacks
- New enemies available:
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Giant
Rabid Bat
Rear Soldier
Steel Fighter
Steel Mutilator
Dark Wizard
Assassin Bandit
- The impact calculation against the platforms of the projectile of the enemy "Ax throwing warrior" has been improved
- Fixed a bug where enemies would sometimes not die when the "True Cure" gem was equipped
- Fixed a bug where the "Electric Slug" enemy would not unfreeze when it exploded
- New boss available: Count Xander
The death of several soldiers under the orders of the King of Darkness makes the cursed monarch go to the Dark Castle to meet with a former lackey and thus discover the mystery behind these crimes.
Improved the rarity of items received as rewards from final bosses
- Fixed a bug where the figure puzzle in the battle against "Dantilus" would sometimes appear green even though the pieces did not match
- Improved the rarity of items awarded as rewards in "Shrines of Idalith" rooms, and added a chance for "Battle Flowers" to appear
- Fixed a bug where the alchemist miniboss grenades would sometimes not explode properly against the ground
- Fixed a bug where "Ledasios" would sometimes exit the battle room when performing his charge attack
- Fixed a bug where "Ledasios" would sometimes get paralyzed while performing his spear-throwing attacks
- The skills of "Ledasios" have been adjusted to balance it more correctly to the difficulty curve
- Changed the minimum and maximum distance that the projectile of the "Taser" gun reaches
- Scythe "Execute" ability cast time reduced from 1 to 0.75 seconds
- Reduced the opacity of the shot effects of the "Clipped" pistol to improve its visibility
- Fixed a bug where multiple status ailments were applied in one hit when the "Status Wheel" gem was equipped on the "Quadra Cannon" weapon
- Fixed a bug where the King could sometimes fire pistols while frozen
- Reduced the life time of the projectiles of the pistols when leaving the King's vision range
- New Gem Type: Unique Rarity
Unique rarity gems cannot be upgraded
- Instant kill percentage of "Coup de Grace" gem is reduced from 3% base + 2% per rarity to 3% base + 1% per rarity
- Increased the percentage of health recovered from the "Accurate Heal" gem from 0.5% to 1% per rarity level
- Changed the seed creation algorithm to group their genes and adjust them to the difficulty curve
- New World Seed: Dark Castle
- Area 1 of the "Harunokaze Village" world has been expanded with 10 new rooms
- Area 2 of the "Harunokaze Village" world has been expanded with 25 new rooms
- Changed the seed creation algorithm to group their genes and adjust them to the difficulty curve
- New lethal gene "Armored"
Enemies are now protected by armour which will make them immune to damage, effects and status ailments until destroyed (duration 1 hit per gen level)
- New lethal gene "Glacial"
Enemies now cause the "Freeze" status ailment when hitting the King with their attacks (Duration 2 seconds + 1 second per gen level)
- New lethal gene "Bleeding"
Enemies now cause the "Bleed Out" status ailment when hitting the King with their attacks (2% of enemy hit damage per second + 2% damage per level, duration 6 seconds, effect of heals will be reduced by 50% while effect lasts)
- New lethal gene "Burning"
Enemies now cause the "Burn" status effect when hitting the king with his attacks (7% of enemy hit damage per second + 7% damage per level, duration 4 seconds)
- New lethal gene "Toxic"
Enemies now cause the "Poison" status effect when hitting the king with their attacks (1% enemy hit damage per second + 1% damage per level, duration 8 seconds, movement speed will be reduced by 50% for the duration The effect)
- New structural gene "Cartographer"
Now the special rooms have their location revealed on the map
- New structural gene "Malefic" World contains +1 additional Idalith Room per Area
- New NPC "Usnar Ali"
Our friend Usnar the "Banker" will allow you to exchange currencies with a fair deal most of the time, plus, every time you come back from your adventures he will have great offers that you won't be able to miss. Keep in mind that the Bank's opening hours are always during the day
- Changed mechanics of "Rasen Lupine":
Now it will offer you a packet of seeds for each level of difficulty unlocked, each packet will contain seeds adapted to the level of that difficulty
- Now the Death has brand new jinxes:
New jinx "Invisibility": If you could choose a superpower... What would it be? This jinx is perfect for literally finding yourself...
New jinx: "Slippery": What if you got oil on the soles of your boots? You're going to have a good time with this jinx...
- New dialogues with the "Deathness" available, don't stop talking to her...
New gems:
- New Gem "Antifreeze"
The King is immune to the "Freeze" status ailment
- New Gem "Fireproof"
The King is immune to the "Burn" status ailment
- New Gem "Antidote"
The King is immune to the "Poison" status ailment
- New Gem "Coagulant"
The King is immune to the "Bleed Out" status ailment
Game progress:
- New difficulty progression system:
Players will now need to beat all bosses of a certain seed of a certain level and difficulty to unlock the next one
By accessing a new difficulty level, the maximum level of seed that the player can access will be increased and in addition, new genes, NPCs, characteristics and seeds will be unlocked, increasing the content available.
The difficulty of a seed is determined by its level and the number of "Skulls" it has. The more "Skulls" you own, the more difficult the world you generate
The final reward obtained after completing or being defeated in a seed will increase 10% for each "Skull" difficulty
User interface:
- Changed enemy health bar colors to improve visibility
- The last sort filter applied to the "Merger" and "Germinator" menus of the Botanist is now saved
- Reduced the size of HUD ability indicators by 20%
- An indicator now appears on the map and mini-map around the room you are currently in
- Added a new indicator to select the destination room in the "Teleport" mode of the map
- Changed tertiary weapon action button from "Circle / B" to "R1 / RB" to align with future mechanics
- Changed the glow of the "Low Health" indicator so that it only appears once and not on every hit the King takes
- The "Leave" option in the game menu has been blocked when you are out of a world
- Fixed a bug where the number of "Guardian Angel" gauges would sometimes not display correctly
- Fixed a bug where some menu movement sounds were sometimes not playing correctly
- Fixed a bug where, under certain circumstances, the last action could sometimes be opened in an already visited weapon or gem shop after exiting it
- Now the King will make an introduction of the reason that has led him to each of the worlds he visits
- Fixed a bug with seed sort filters where the applied filter did not match the displayed one
- Fixed a bug where the room indicators on the minimap would not animate correctly after taking on a "Shrine of Idalith" challenge
- Fixed a bug with the king's cloak animation when the king was frozen in mid-air
- Fixed a bug where off-screen cheat prompts were displayed incorrectly
Changed files in this update