Thank you for supporting us! As a little thanks for the amazing launch we have added in some new content!
New Stuff:
Added spoiled milk item
Added two new outfits!
Enemies can now be discovered and found in the Atlas!
Updated translation files
Made it easier to see how to play other modes and skip the tutorial
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a glitch where the barbell could apply its effect twice
Spikes no longer trigger all item's onKillEffect
Fixed the Dreaming Buckler - which didn't properly add block
The forge spikes now only apply to the player - fixing the interaction with the Mirror Shield
Fixed an issue where the tasty-fly could reset items and the store would charge you for your own stuff
Fixed the display off poison sickness on the Hermit Crab Bomb
Fixed a glitch with the dreaming sap applying to the item use costs - instead of the summon costs
Fixed several typos
Changed files in this update