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Kingdom Wars 4 update for 17 August 2022

Update 21 - Kingdom Managment

Share · View all patches · Build 9335155 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:07:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone`s enjoying their summer, and we are back with our 21st update. This update includes a lot of improvements to mid and late game, including various friendly AI improvements on the world map to make alliances actually work well now. In addition this update includes a lot improvements in diplomacy, and managing players Kingdom once player becomes King.

Running a Kingdom now involves controlling your Lords with various stances and assignments, with meaningful action taken both by player Lords and Allied nations. In addition there are a lot of polishing to the mid and late game, and healing has been reworked to require player to play more strategically.

We`ll continue with a major update 22 towards the end of the month, and expecting to finally be able to bring you the Zombie DLC following the 22nd update.

  • Adjustments to Plague mechanics to spread quite a bit slower
  • Readjusted the camera speeds based on player feedback
  • Middle Mouse Button now can be used in all situation to give directions to player controlled Lords
  • Trading with other nations is now key to winning the game
  • Smaller nations have a better chance of their cities being included in those that can launch attacks
  • Player nation AI lords have twice as much chance to spawn an army as other AI lords
  • Much larger trade income for trading with nations
  • When King Player controlled Lords generate their treasury based on stance player selects
  • Lords that server the player with armies do not generate silver
  • Lords that are Free generate silver at 1x rate, Lords that are Passive generate silver at 2x rate
  • When King players lord that Serve will actively spawn armies now and send them to player assignments
  • Allied lords will now actively send armies to support player based on players Rally Flags
  • Defensive Alliances will only send armies to defend, Military alliances will send armies to attack based on players rally flags
  • Healing units on the world map in a lot more expensive, passive healing near players towns is the best option
  • There`s a much larger Kingdom Standing penalty for taking towns from your Lords now, 2x as much
  • Call-to-Arms only applies to player nation armies and armies of nations with a Military Alliance
  • Fixed a number of towns that were not assigned to lords and did not appear on the world map
  • Fixed player being unable to win some campaigns due to missing towns on the world map
The Plague: Kingdom Wars Content Depot 1300701
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