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MAJOR Bring It On! update for 17 August 2022

v0.5 Update is Live!

Share · View all patches · Build 9334163 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:41:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

After a lot of work, we are happy to finally be able to bring you the latest update to the game!

This update completely overhauls the character talent system - instead of the talent "tree" there was before, we now have a simpler system: every character has 5 Talents with 5 ranks each. Once you have unlocked all 5 ranks of all 5 talents for a character, you have 'Mastered' that character, unlocking their bonus!

For example, mastering the Knight will unlock the Paladin, etc.

Not all of the bonus talents are implemented, yet. Also, since this is a major change, we had to reset all talent progress you might have made before... sorry!

As a result of this change, it means you no longer unlock new weapons from character talents - and you can no longer 'share' characters' starting weapons between characters (yet). We have plans on adding ways to unlock weapons that were previously locked behind talents in an upcoming release.

So, for now, several weapons that were once locked away are currently enabled and available to play with! So give them a go and see what you think - they'll be going away again in the future!

Besides this major change to the talents, we have also spent a ton of effort in improving both of the implements levels in the game, and we have made a LOT of tweaks to help with performance.

We hope these changes are more in line with what we have in mind for the end-game feel of the game... and we hope they give you a more enjoyable experience!

The next release is planned to add at least one new level, and two new characters - maybe more!

We really hope you enjoy playing this game - and if you have, please consider sharing it with your friends, or leaving a review, or talking about it somewhere. It helps us a lot!

Thanks again! ❣

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