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Aground Zero Playtest update for 17 August 2022

Update 0.0.80 - Minor updates and smart splitters

Share · View all patches · Build 9334124 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is a smaller update fixing bugs and making smaller tweaks.

  • Added kitchen model
  • Splitters will now rotate in the necessary direction to send items to the structure that requested them.
  • Changed splitter appearance since it can now go in all 4 directions
  • Interacting with NPCs will now tell you when they can't find their way home or to work.
  • Many bugfixes - including several that would cause an NPC to get stuck and starve.
  • NPCs can now eat from inventory if they are below 25% hunger, and cancel events to return to bunker when hungry. Hopefully, with the above bugfixes and this, NPCs wont starve as often XD.
  • You no longer fall off the ladder when looking away from it - you just can no longer move until you look at it again.
  • There's an incomplete, unanimated version of the chef NPC (added mostly to show other devs, but it should have a final version in the next update).

The smart splitters allow you to set up many factories all connected to a single storehouse - the splitters will correctly send the item to the factory that needs it - even if multiple items end up on the splitter at the same time!

Next I'll be finishing up the "demo" content and adding in finished models as I get them - including a new area and the Professor NPC! Look forward to the next update!

Windows Aground Zero Playtest Content Depot 1838611
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