[ NEWS ]
- New Four Element Mystery Boxes have been added to all monsters. You can get rare items from these chests by dropping them from monsters.
- Automatic !pm system has been introduced by clicking on the names on the chat.
- For mobile users, now you can set target and lock the target with new UI buttons.
- We had some work on the mobile heating problems and the FPS limitation system has been added to the settings for mobile users.
- Temple of Twilight, Port Arvin and Beach maps and the NPCs who gave quests on those maps are now visible in the Map panel.
- Adventurer Camp III [Level 7 Quest] - Added a 7-day brown horse as reward.
- Skill reset book has been added to AC Shop.
- For collect pets, you will be able to choose which items they can collect.
- Improved general performance optimizations.
- Health potions now regenerate your health over time.
- Levels and powers of Angry Mad Bull & Giant mobs have been lowered.
- The spawn rate of Miracle Stones has been reduced.
- Increased the strength of Sudden War bosses.
- Drop rates decreased.
- Now, you are not able to open stalls near NPCs due to blocking NPCs.
- When you collect fish it will automatically stack now.
- Bosses are no longer affected by knockback.
- Log-in problems to the game due to different time zones and time-zone based in-game errors have been fixed.
- Fixed the issue where the pet could not gain experience when the player reached the level limit.
- The crafting issue of bracelets and necklaces has been fixed.
- Rainbow Horse is now tradable.
- Daily rewards are only for 20+ level players now.
- It is written which stats they give to the seeds.
- Guild wars has been made one-sided again, and the price of the flag of war and surrender has been increased.
- Players that are online in the game now shown as green in the guild panel.
[ RAID ]
- The access limit and register hours to raids on weekends have been removed, now you can register as many times as you want on weekends.
- Not only guild leaders, but also guild members with the highest authority can register raids.
- Raid Bosses are no longer affected by knockbacks.
[ PVP ]
- Reduced damage rates in PvPs.
- Health potions now regenerate your health over time.
- The skill cast time of the Wizard class has been reduced.
- The skill cast times of the Witch class have been reduced.
- The heal skills cooldown times of the Witch class have been reduced.
- A warning system has been introduced against players using automation, bots, and macros. Now, a special question panel will appear in front of users who play suspiciously, and if the question is not answered, the user will receive a punishment.
- Thanks to the @Akcan & @Arvy for reporting an important issue.
- Thanks to Aero World people for reports & suggestions.
Changed files in this update