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Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered update for 18 August 2022

Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered v1.817.1.0 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9333097 · Last edited 18 August 2022 – 12:06:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone,

We are very grateful for all the positive feedback we have received since launching Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered last Friday! The teams at Insomniac Games and Nixxes Software have been closely monitoring player reports the past days and based on that we have released a first small patch with multiple fixes and improvements.

Rest assured we are not done though. We are already working on our next patch, that will be more substantial and will consist of bugfixes, improvements and additional features, based on the feedback we have received so far.

Release Notes

  • Fixed various ray-tracing related crashes.
  • Improved Windows version check, to prevent false positives.
  • Fixed the issue where ray-traced reflections in stainless steel were rendered distorted.
  • Various visual improvements to NVIDIA DLSS.
  • Fixed an issue that could freeze the game if the player would switch between graphics presets during cut-scenes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Side Mission popups would be stretched when playing in a widescreen resolution.
  • Improvements related to stability issues when using Alt-Tab.
  • Fixed various visual glitches.

Known Issues

  • Ray-tracing options may be unavailable in the menu, even with compatible hardware.

Ray-tracing is disabled when hardware or drivers are not compatible, or when the DirectX 12 Agility SDK is not functional. We have seen some reports of users that indicate this SDK is not working for them. We are investigating this issue.

  • Some players cannot progress during the Spider-Hack Mission.

This is a frame rate related bug that only occurs when well above 60 FPS. While we work on a fix, we have a workaround in place. Restart the latest checkpoint, go to the Graphics Menu, set the game to Exclusive Fullscreen and the Refresh Rate to 60Hz. You should now be able to progress. Afterwards you can switch back to your preferred settings.

  • Some players cannot take a picture of the Empire State Building.

Some players have reported being unable to take a photo of the Empire State Building, blocking progression. So far, we have only been able to reproduce this on Intel GPUs. Intel is investigating this issue.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1817072
  • Loading history…
Windows 64-bitDLC 1830680 Depot 1817073
  • Loading history…
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