Greetings Adventurers,
Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on August 17, 2022 (Wed).
Arena of Solare's First Regular Season
On August 17th, Arena of Solare regular season begins for all regions. Thank you again to the Adventurers who showed great interest and appreciation during the preseason period.
There are three significant changes for the regular season.
First, a practice mode will be added. The practice mode does not affect your rank and is purely for the purpose of 'practice'. (Although not displayed, there is a separate MMR for practice mode as well to ensure fair matches.) Many people regretted not being able to experience anything other than ranked in the preseason, but we hope this practice mode will help our Adventurers on their journey to ascend the tiers. However, please note that the practice mode is only open during the times where the ranked mode is not available.
※ Practice mode is currently only available to be queued up individually. While we did develop this content with party queues in mind, we felt that we needed further testing before we could release this feature for the live servers.
Next is the gameplay. Firstly, the gear balance will be configured the same as in the preseason. There were opinions that it would be better to have a bit more AP, but since it is the first season, we decided to keep the current version so that more people can enjoy it. (Of course, please note that we will continue to add changes to the gear as the seasons go on.) In addition, new battlefields have been added. Manshaum Forest, Jade Starlight Forest, and Cadry Ruins join the existing Tzol's Ruins and Olun's Valley making 5 battlefields in total that you can enjoy for this season. Manshaum Forest is expected to offer a new experience with its verdure background, and Jade Starlight Forest will be somewhere that can provide the feeling of field combat.
The last is the UI features. The rank page has been subdivided so that you can check whether players are in Succession or Awakening, and it has been improved to show the character with the highest play rate within a Family, not the last character played. In addition, the ability to check the information of other Adventurers in the rank window has been added, allowing you to check all character information, equipment (including crystals), and skill Add-ons. Some Adventurers said they were reluctant to disclose information, but as Arena of Solare introduced an 'equalized gear system' for the first time in Black Desert, we believe it will serve as an opportunity for more people to enter PvP, so we ask for your understanding. In addition, the rank window has been improved so that you can check the rank 'by class' as well.
And although it will not be implemented on August 17th, we are preparing a system in which MVP and ACE are determined by adding not only damage but also how many crowd-control effects have been inflicted (I.e. knockdown, stun, etc.) which we believe is one of the more important indicators to be considered along with a function in which you can join Practice Mode in a party.
We will continue to do our best to work on the other features of Arena of Solare so that we can provide the most enjoyable experience to our Adventurers.
● The new season of Arena of Solare is now live! The following changes have been applied.
New battlefields have been added - "Manshaum Forest," "Jade Starlight Forest," and "Cadry Ruins."
Manshaum Forest
- Flora's Breath will appear within the woods for each round.
Cadry Ruins
- Fire's Warmth will arise from the brazier every so often, and a damage-dealing object will spawn in a random location around the center.
Jade Starlight Forest
Practice Mode
● Added Practice Mode.
- Practice Mode is for playing in the Arena of Solare without having your match outcome affect your current rank.
- Practice Mode Match will be available when Ranked Matches are unavailable.
- Your opponent's defensive icons will be displayed for Practice Mode. (Hidden for Ranked Matches.)
* You will be able to queue up for Practice Mode in a party in a future update.
Ranked Match
● Improved the Ranked Match as follows:
- Only up to 2 players of the same class will be matched in the same team.
- Bonus points for consecutive wins have been adjusted, along with the win conditions.
- Added an alert to display when you can queue up for Ranked Matches.
- This is the schedule when you can queue up for Arena of Solare Regular Season Matches:
Arena of Solare Rankings/Records
● Improved the Arena of Solare rankings and records UI.
- You can now view detailed information of other Adventurers.
- Click the magnifying glass icon to view details on other Adventurers.
- You can now see whether an Adventurer plays as Awakening or Succession, their Skill Add-ons, and their current gear setup.
- Added the function to now view rankings by class.
- You can choose to view the top 20 ranked Adventurers by class by selecting "Class" in the top right corner of the ranking UI.
● Improved to now display clearly when an Adventurer obtains a "traces of elements" buff.
- This buff effect will be visible by all Adventurers, allies and foes alike.
- For more details, please refer to the Adventurer's Guide - [Arena of Solare].
TOP 1 Rewards by Class
● Adventurers ranked 1st in their class will be given the honor of having their character's likeness displayed as a "commemorative NPC" in the Battle Arena.
TOP 100 Rewards
● The following rewards will be given to Adventurers ranked from 1st - 100th place when the Arena of Solare Regular Season is over.
Honorary Outfit
- You will obtain an honorary outfit suitable to your class (permanent and character-bound).
"Solare" Title
- You will be able to use the "Solare" title until the end of the next Arena of Solare season.
- Equipping the "Solare" title will display a visual effect for your character.
Glorious Solare Box
- Open the box to claim the following items.
Seal of Solare
● You can obtain 2 Seals of Solare for every ranked victory, and 1 seal per ranked loss.
- Exclusive gear and crystals in Arena of Solare can be unlocked with Seals of Solare.
- Weapon: Requires 5 Seals of Solare
- Crystal: Requires 2-3 Seals of Solare
- Accessory: Requires 2-3 Seals of Solare
- Alchemy Stone: Requires 5 Seals of Solare
Increased Max Level & New Skill for Fairies
We're increasing the max level of your fairy and adding an additional quality-of-life improving skill, "Continuous Care."
Continuous Care can be learned by a Radiant Fairy, who will be able to automatically consume from 5 to 20 different food, draught, elixir, perfume, and scroll items. Your fairy will be able to save 3 presets with this skill, so Adventurers will be able to have separate presets for PvE, PvP, and Life Skills, if so desired. Like Agris Fever, this skill can be easily toggled on/off, so you can turn it off if you don't need your fairy to automatically feed you the items you selected.
Some of your fairy's "unpopular" skills now have a reduced chance to be learned with the addition of Continuous Care, while other more "popular" skills, such as Miraculous Cheer V and Feathery Steps V retain their previous odds of being learned. At the same, we designed Continuous Care so that Adventurers won't feel pressured to attain the V rank version of the skill.
Under the "Continuous Care" of your fairy, we hope that you enjoy this quality-of-life improvement in Black Desert.
● Increased the fairy's max level from 40 to 50.
- Once you reach Lv. 50 with your fairy, she will gain one additional skill slot.
- When your fairy reached Lv. 50, she will be able to learn an additional skill according to a set probability.
● Added the "Continuous Care" skill, which can be learned by a "Radiant" Fairy.
- A Radiant Fairy can learn Continuous Care from Lv. 10.
- Once your fairy learns Continuous Care, the "Auto-use Settings" button will appear in the fairy UI.
- You can use this function to designate certain items to be automatically consumed when they're not in use.
- The following items can be designated for auto-use. The skill rank of Continuous Care will determine the amount of items you can designate at any given moment.
- You can easily save and change your Auto-use selections via the 3 preset buttons.
- You can find the Auto-use Food/Elixir and settings button in the top left-portion of the UI.
- LMB to open the Auto-use Settings UI, RMB to toggle the Auto-use Function ON and OFF.
- You can save your selections in presets for later use.
● Selecting different items with the same effect for auto-use will automatically consume the selected item even if the effects of the previous item are still active.
- ex) If the effects of "[Event] Beast's Draught" are active, but you select "Beast's Draught" and toggle "Auto-use" ON, your family will immediately use the selected "Beast Draught" even though the "[Event] Beast's Draught" effects are still active.
● Change the success rate of learning skills for Radiant Fairies.
- The success rate to learn Continuous Care differs based on your Radiant Fairy's current set of learned skills. You can check your fairy's actual chance to learn skills from the in-game fairy UI.
● Added a function in which a 300 min buff can be obtained by exchanging Silver with an NPC.
- Added "(120 min)" text to Conversation where 120 min buff can be obtained.
- 10,000,000 Silver is needed to obtain the respective Attack/Defense/Experience buff for 300 minutes.
- These buffs can be obtained from the following NPCs:
● Added a buff of 300 min to [Villa] Turning Gates, [Villa] Skill and Experience and [Villa] Body Enhancement respectively that can be purchased from the Villa Scroll.
- [Villa] Turning Gates: 2,000,000 Silver
- [Villa] Skill and Experience: 3,300,000 Silver
- [Villa] Body Enhancement: 10,000,000 Silver
Pearl Shop
● New Outfits: [Ranger] Ryfina
Changed files in this update