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Plinko Panic! update for 17 August 2022

Plinko Panic - Content Update #4 - Enemy Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9330359 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:11:27 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I am excited to release what is easily the biggest game-changing update, and probably the most overdue one... Since the release of 'Plinko Panic!' it's been evident that more needs to be done with the enemies besides the 'Deal X damage in Y turns' (scaling up) like it initially had during the game jam version of the game all the way back in October of last year. I've finally gotten around to putting most of my focus into the game now and decided that this is the best use of my development time at the very moment to REALLY keep games feeling as new and unique as possible allowing build-strategies to not only focus on what pinballs they're hoping to find based on the state of the board, but as well as what enemy they're currently against (on top of what enemies may be to come based on the area you're playing in).
Alongside this, there's been plenty of new additions and polish completed to the game that will allow for anybody to jump back into the game with tons of new stuff to check out! I am immensely greatful for all the support that the game has recieved over the last couple months, as well as the incredible feedback given in the Discord, the game's discussion page, and many YouTube comments from videos made by some pretty damn awesome people... <3



  • 1 new Enemy that can show up in ALL areas - The Mimic.
  • All of the, currently 27, enemies now have an individual effect that changes the way you will play around with the enemies you are pitted against during levels.
  • Status Effects that can be applied to the Player via enemies.


  • Poppet now works correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where splitting pinballs caused the split pinballs to spawn inside the peg collision boxes.
  • Crit Peg has currently been removed from the item pool whilst it is fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where having the EXACT amount for a locked pinball still caused it to appear unavailable.


  • Pinballs affected by items (Food Pinballs, Space Pinballs, Sports Pinballs etc.) now have a special effect when shown in the shop (Yellow).
  • Pinballs ineffective due to enemy effects now have a special effect when shown in the shop (Red).
  • Christmas levels now referred to as 'Snow'
  • Changed it so that you will never fight the EXACT same enemy back to back, though a re-encounter may still occur during one game.
Windows English Plinko Panic! Content Depot 1794401
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macOS English Plinko Panic! Depot Depot 1794402
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Linux English Plinko Panic! Depot Depot 1794403
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