Sup Slappers,
I'm happy to introduce ranks to Slapshot: Rebound!
You'll probably have questions, and I have answers - so let's get to it
What ranks are there?
- Bronze I
- Bronze II
- Bronze III
- Silver I
- Silver II
- Silver III
- Gold I
- Gold II
- Gold III
- Platinum I
- Platinum II
- Platinum III
- Legend
What will the average rank be?
Low to mid gold.
How many people will be Legend?
Less than 1% of the playerbase.
Is there a separate playlist?
No. We opted to have the public playlist be entirely ranked to not split the playerbase. Over the last few months, updates have been rolled out to slowly transform it into ranked.
More casual players, don't fret - this is supposed to be a balanced gamemode. The purpose of the ranks is to see how you measure up to others and to track your own progress.
When do I get a rank?
It requires 10 placement matches before you get assigned a rank.
Did my rating reset?
No, ratings were not reset. You'll still need the placement matches though!
More info about rewards will be released later.
More info about rewards will be released later.
My rank is fluctuating a lot
Yep, we have not added any protections against this because we want your rank to reflect your current rating as accurately as possible. In some ranks, most notable around Gold, your rank might go up/down a lot in a few matches because a lot of people are banded around that rating.
While ranked is released, it does not mean our work on matchmaking and rating calculations is finished. Our aim is still to create a good distribution that will ultimately cause less fluctuations.
What does preseason mean?
It's so when people say they want more/different features in it, we can say "hey, it's a preseason!".
Seriously though, just like we're using Early Access so the game's direction can be determined with the community, the same is true for ranked. We didn't want to add any bloat features or things people don't really want - so it will be a living feature just like the rest of the game. Got feedback for us? Please post it in our [Discord]( We'd love to hear it.
I'm playing against ranks that are quite different from mine
Yea, that can happen when there's not a lot of people online. Our system is made to prefer giving you any match over none at all. We're working towards some marketing pushes that'll help introduce more players to Slapshot and thus improve the matchmaking experience!
Is ranked finished?
Nope. We'll keep working on it. Tell us what changes or extra features you want to see!
I have another question
Ask us! We're always around on our [Discord](
The Slapshot team
Changed files in this update