Apologies for the lack of an update last month, this month there's a long changelog to make up for it a little.
- Atmospheric Glow on Planets
- Starlight Glow on Stars
- New Player Sprites & Animations (Still working on this a bit, next update should have customization sorted out)
- New Human Sprites
- Clouds while landing
- There are now mountainous backgrounds while you are landing, changes based on elevation
- Auto Skip Cutscenes added as an option
- Plant generation based on chunks, variations of plants when in bunches
- Player ship will no longer face 0deg when not moving, now faces last cardinal direction
- Added more dialogue for Human NPCs
- Added animation for clouds and a sunrise/sunset effect
- Driving the rover will occasionally have screen shake to show how bumpy the terrain is :)
- Galaxy Map Optimizations (If you had lag it should be alleviated now)
- New indicator to help new Players figure out leaving the solar system (part of "hints")
- Tutorial hologram loads faster
- If your ore menu was open or not is part of save files now
- Alien Procgen has been adjusted to give more variety while exploring while also leaning into lore
Overall I am happy with the way development is coming along, though I do wish I was able to get more content per update. I'm working as best as I can to speed up development and get more exciting things in your hands very soon.
Changed files in this update