- Upgrade to golang v1.18.5
- Upgrade to ebiten engine v2.3.7. For windows only, this change adds support for DirectX. This engine update also has multiple engine crash fixes.
- Windows: Stop packing GLFW DLLs inside the EXE which was scaring certain virus scanners.
- Remake: Massive feature update. This change breaks save compatibility for your remake save slots. Vanilla (non-remake) saves will NOT break.
- Remake: Armadas now only attack or retreat when you tell them to, manually. Their automatic attack/retreat behavior was complex, buggy, and annoying, leaving players feeling out of control.
- Remake: Each planet now has a local resource.
- Remake: Infrastructure is now completely different, and relies on cargo ships that harvest resources and deliver them to your command center. They require fuel to transport resources, and will automatically harvest fuel as well. Every time resources are delivered, you gain equal amounts of gold, the planet's local resource, economy infrastructure progress (which determines number of cargo ships), and hangar infrastructure progress. Controlling allocation of infrastructure is no longer a thing at all.
- Remake: Remove a number of dead end concepts such as "Work" tab, "Log" tab, and "Upgrade Hangar" button that no longer fit the latest concept of the game.
- Remake: Now maps are randomly generated instead of hardcoded!
- Remake: There is now an upgrader screen that allows spending resources on upgrades. Some of these upgrades only benefit your current run. Others persist beyond runs.
- Remake: Items now only drop when you beat an entire map. Also greatly simplify the set of resources that are involved in item upgrades.
- Remake: Change the way hull and shield bars are displayed to support more bars (for cargo and fuel), and also to be less confusing when displaying lots of ships at the same time.
- Remake: Increase the rate enemy builds structures and spawns ships.
- Fix bug where planets could get in a state that they were unconquerable (because the last neutral defender died when none of your ships were on the planet).
Idle Armada update for 16 August 2022
Major Remake Feature Update!
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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