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Video Horror Society update for 17 August 2022

The Endless Summer Catalog is HERE!

Share · View all patches · Build 9327399 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Endless Summer Catalog

Summer is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean summer fashion has to. Introducing the Endless Summer Catalog. In addition to our Featured Store rotation, we will be adding a new tab chock full of stellar fashion options for you to flaunt in-game💅 All of these options can be purchased with either Flux OR Fanbux!
Unlike the featured store rotation, the Endless Summer Catalog will not change daily, and these cosmetics will be available for purchase as of patch 1.0.71088, and be around until September 21st!
Here are some fresh looks you can expect to find in the Endless Summer Catalog:


Whatever you do, don't forget your WARTer wings 🏊‍♀️

Patch notes for build 1.0.71088

Known Issues
  • When the Featured Store refresh occurs, not everyone will see the updated items, A workaround for this is leaving the screen and coming back to it. This does not occur all the time, and the team is currently investigating the cause.
  • P-123 Florida WART trait has mismatched first person arms.
  • Carnation cuties Dollmaster Doll has a visually bugged skirt
Input Bindings
  • Two new input binding options have been added: "Weapon Selection Forward" and "Weapon Selection Backward" (default on keyboard is 'X' and 'Z'). Additionally, the training mode tables and TVs now utilize these bindings when interacted with.
Score Screen
  • On the score screen you will now be shown the # of hits each teen has taken from the monster, next to their health status.
Store & Customization
  • Tags have now been added to Store items that describe which characters are able to use each item. (e.g. Brett only, W.A.R.T. only, etc.)
  • When Monsters are Banished all of their cooldowns will now be refreshed.
Doll Master
  • Simplified the art of the Doll Trap icons to make them easier to read at far distances.
  • Stunning the Doll Master body directly with a weapon will now also reduce their Doll Trap count by 1. In addition, if all available Doll Traps were already placed on the map at the time, then the oldest placed Doll Trap will also be destroyed.
    (Developer's Note: This change is to address situations where the Doll Master could aggressively push against Stun weapons with their body to remove them without losing any map pressure from their placed Doll Traps.)
  • The Spectraplasmic Goo Gun Flamethrower skin sound effect when firing has been adjusted.
  • The W.A.R.T. Flamethrower skin now has a unique sound effect when firing.
  • When a Chompie Bar or Clash Cola is consumed by a teen, the remnants will now be seen falling out of their hand to the ground to give other players an additional visual cue.
  • There is now a unique sound effect when a teen finishes searching a wastebasket (was using the vending machine sound).
  • Reduced the minimum amount of aura you are required to spend in each act in order to proceed to the next act by 15%.
  • Spectrals now have unique visual effects while in flight! Note that these effects are not active when the controlling teen is dead.
  • Increased the timeout disconnect penalties applied to repeat offenders.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where a player could sometimes lose their place in the matchmaking queue without being notified, resulting in them not getting into a match until they cancelled and searched again.
  • Fixed an issue where a player that disconnects at the very start of a match would sometimes have their character remain in the match to be interacted with by other players.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bar Timing Minigame was not working properly in the Tutorial and Training modes.
  • Fixed additional cases where a teen could get stuck in the Rotate Minigame while searching objects.
  • Fixed an issue where Werewolf and Doll Master had their quotes flipped on Character Selection.
  • Fixed some text spacing/formatting issues in the movie reward screens.
  • Fixed some spelling, adjusted formatting and added new Forgotten Films text.
  • Fixed an issue where Funfetti Shorts, Portside Socks, Maureen Socks, and Gilded Grey High Tops were locked to a specific Teen when they should be universally available
  • Fixed an issue where a red line would appear on Pride gear when viewed in a lower resolution
Windows 64-bit VHS_WIN64_Depot Depot 611362
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