To give you a small update on what's going on since the last update - we're currently collecting feedback on the latest changes and preparing a survey on the whole season in general, as we've mentioned. The work on the next map in progression as well as the overhaul of the rarity maps and PvP mechanics that we've described in the last post is going at full speed, so expect another big update post in near future!
For now, we've prepared a small patch to address some issues, mainly regarding performance, as we've seen quite many reports about it recently. If you notice improvements after the update or find other issues to report, please let us know.
- Made Light Wooden Walls have less holes. Should both improve performance and fix potential issues with sandstorm going through.
- Slightly updated Medium Wooden Walls visuals to make them more distinct from Light Walls.
- Optimized Humidifier particles to not affect performance.
- Temporarily removed walker dust particles until optimized better.
- Fixed performance issues regarding walker legs and wings not stopping movement when a walker is stopped.
- Fixed a crash related to server debugging.
Changed files in this update