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FarmD update for 16 August 2022

[PUBLIC] FarmD v1.3.0

Share · View all patches · Build 9326200 · Last edited 16 August 2022 – 18:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Custom character support!

CHANGELOG (since v1.2.0 public)


  • Added support for custom character imports, using the new Character Importer tool.
  • Added a Refresh button in the Character Menu for hot-reloading species files while the game is running, so you can test changes made in the importer.
  • Added localization support for Polish.


  • Major version update for Unity (2019 -> 2021) and updates for several third-party assets. Also, the rendering pipeline was reverted from URP to the built-in renderer due to ongoing compatibility issues, and the added support for it in the newer version of ShaderGraph. Altogether these changes caused some lighting and shader differences, and a decent performance improvement.
  • Implemented a new penetration system for handling animations during sex scenes. Should help reduce some clipping and alignment issues.
  • Some fields in the character menu have been changed slightly, particularly with genital types and sizing sliders. Some previously saved settings, like the player's breast size, may be incorrect and will need to be re-adjusted.
  • Due to some internal changes to how patterns and colorsets are used and saved, any custom colorsets you had created previously will need to be re-created.
  • Various activities will no longer show as available if your character(s) don't have the body parts required for them - for example, the feral-on-top Missionary position can no longer be entered if your partner doesn't have a dick, since there would be no actions available in that position.
  • Improved cock/ball physics on the player when walking or running.
  • Adjusted some finger constraints and colliders for more natural movement on fingertip collisions.


  • Fixed some edge-case bugs related to penetration, like sound effects getting stuck on or your partner's dick becoming invisible after penetration.
  • Fixed a bug where the amount of "impact" movement for the receiving character during penetration was framerate-dependent.
  • Fixed some issues related to twist relaxers not getting initialized correctly in some scenarios, which was causing some IK twisting problems with feral characters' spines, and the player character's forearms.


  • The belly riding interaction now uses the same trigger zone as riding on the saddle (hold your hand over your partner's back, around their shoulders) rather than having a separate trigger zone.
  • The menu tablet no longer attaches to your character and floats around - it just stays in midair where it is spawned, similar to the previous behaviour that would happen if you grabbed it and then released it in the air.
  • The "Hip Thrust" player action now only has an effect when your hips are lined up with your partner's hole.
  • Due to some internal changes to character rigs, full-body tracker orientations for the waist and feet will need to be re-calibrated.
  • The menu tablet now appears in front of your camera whenever activated, instead of at some arbitrary nearby location.


  • Fixed a bug where the player's rotation was being saved to the save file incorrectly when in VR mode.
  • Fixed some issues with the menu tablet not showing up or being inaccessible in some scenarios when launching the game or returning from the Calibration room.
  • Fixed a bug where belly riding when in the Roomscale playstyle would always be in the face-down position, even if face-up was selected.


  • Created the Character Importer tool, a Unity asset package that can be used to convert your rigged character models into a format the game can load, so you can play as (or with) your own custom avatar. Check out for the importer package and documentation. Some tutorials have been added, and more will be filled out shortly.


  • Building a character package with the importer using a newer version of Unity than the game was built with (currently 2021.3.7f1) can cause the character packages to fail to open in-game.
Windows FarmD Content Depot 1814631
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