Before the patch notes, a little disclaimer about this unusually heavy update :
Saves and replays made with previous versions of the game will no longer be playable on this version. However, you can still load them by switching to the compat_save_older_than_78984 beta branch.
Right-click on WARNO in your Steam library and choose "Properties". In the "Betas" tab, open the drop-down list, choose the compat_save_older_than_78984 branch and close the properties window. After a download of 13.5 GB, the old version of WARNO will be ready and you can load your replays and saves. Note that multiplayer will not be accessible until you return to the default branch. To do this, repeat the previous manipulation and choose the "None" option instead of compat_save_older_than_78984. After a download of 6 GB, you will be back on the most recent version of the game, ready to join mutiplayer again and enjoy the latest features and bug fixes.
Why did we do this?
We have changed the way we handle textures in our in-house engine. As a result, a big chunk of game data was changed on Steam and the game would have gone from 40GB to 54GB on your hard drive. We know that many of you already have pretty full disks and we took this opportunity to reduce the size of the game from 40GB to 23 GB. The only downside is that this update will need a 6 GB download.
Game got too big. We deported save/replay compatibility to compat_save_older_than_78984 branch in order to save 31 GB on your disk.
- Ripple is a new 2vs2 map which covers an area of 72km² and is bordered by mountains to the east and west. These mountains all have roads that allow troops to move quickly. The design of the map is articulated around three main corridors: an elevated corridor, to the west, that features a plateau with a clear line of sight. A flat central corridor, where the main urban elements are positioned. A more chaotic corridor, to the east, with more winding roads in the mountains. We wanted to offer three different types of gameplay on this new map which will also be available in "ranked".
- Artillery rework : complete howitzer rework that now has the corrected shot capacity! Recon units or other artillery units located within 2000 meters of the target can reduce the dispersion radius of howitzer fire by 30%. In addition, howitzer damage has been increased. To compensate for their newfound effectiveness, longer firing and reloading times have been applied. Mortars have shorter trajectories in order to give them a better reactivity more in line with their role in reality.
- Equipped vehicles can now smoke in front of them in one click
- AI will now react with the defensive RoE if its units can't retaliate : units will take cover and smoke
- Improved general behaviour of AI
- Deck editing buttons are back in the lobby
- Improved player name lisibility on flares
- In the armory, role filters are now reset when switching unit category
- Line of sight animation (when clicking the "Line of sight" button or pressing C) sped up from 1.75s to 0.3s
- Improved readability of information displayed on cursor
- Fixed vehicles bumping into each other continuously instead of overtaking. Traffic jams are gone.
- Fixed smokes sometimes not triggering while using Defensive RoE
- Fixed a bug that would prevent ctrl+(zqsd/wasd) from controlling camera rotation and elevation
- Fixed AI command units sometimes staying right outside of the command zone and not capturing it
- Fixed AI using forward deploy only for recon units. It now uses it for any capable unit.
- Fixed AI sometimes sending units to defend a zone it no longer controls, effectively sending them to a suicide mission
- Fixed unit label sometimes not updating properly. For instance, a damaged unit would forever lose its "need repair" icon after being routed.
- Fixed routed unit sometimes not fleeing when under fire
- Fixed some static weapons that had a "on the move" accuracy
- Fixed Damage and Penetration disappearing from the aiming cursor after having used the shoot on position order.
- Fixed Aiming, Firing, Reloading, percentage not being displayed properly in the selected unit panel
- Howitzer rework in damage / shooting time and reload time
- Adjustment of the trajectory of mortar shells to reduce their flight time
- Howitzer corrected shot configuration
- The impacts of mortar and howitzer rounds are no longer sorted!
- The aircraft nose cannons can fire on armor
- Refinement of ATGM missile aiming time and addition of a minimum range of 350m
- Improved calculation of priority targets for tanks => decrease of infantry in favor of IFV
- Infantry Ground To Ground Missiles Teams have their aiming time increased from 1 to 1.5 / 1.8 / 2
- Increase stress of HE weapons (tanks and autocanons) by 10%, increase resistance of buildings +20%, reduction of shield provided by buildings against HE shells (tanks and autocanons)
- Reduction of damage from infantry weapons using napalm (15%)
- Distance letality bonus for assault rifles and small machine guns reduced
- Assault rifles, Battle rifles ans SMG slightly rate of fire reduced
- Buildings grant a 20% protection against rockets
- Fire deals damages every second instead of every 0.5s
- Apache rocket turrets fixed. It could previously fire its rockets without aligning.
- MK 20 Rh 202 and Zwillinge anti air guns aiming time raised to 2s
- Bofors L/70 anti air gun aiming time raised to 2s
- Increased rate of fire of the apache cannon
- ZU-23-2 aiming time raised to 1.5s
- S-60 anti air gun aiming time raised to 1.5s
- PULEMETCHIKI in 79GV.TD can use Gaz 66 truck
- RBK 500 kg splash reduced
- BMP 3 price raised to 55
- RPK 74 Rof slightly reduced
- l.MG-K rate of fire slightly reduced
Changed files in this update