The Mountains Pass Inn grows more each day. Its owner built a tanner and he has been seen working on leather armor. The fey have been whispering of a Dark Monastery (a group of men and demon working together), but nobody knows who they are or their plans.
We have been working tiredlessly to make everything perfect for everyone, adjusting movement synch (which was causing a clunky game), improving performance (some people were trying to sound smart by saying we don't have LODs or impostors, which you can clearly see in the game, so boo to them). We found this problem, found other problems and we keep finding problems every day. In spite of some shots that were taken, saying our player base is just family and friends (which is not far from the truth), our decision to release early stands. We play, we have fun with friends, amazing roleplaying has been going on and these negative reviews only make us stronger (which is also great).
We are a small team with zero budget and zero funding, but we do have a dream - to make an awesome rpg where you can roleplay your character and change the world. Thank you all for making this dream come true!
Changed files in this update