Hey all!
After Weeks of testing and refining, I can FINALLY Publish this huge update!
There are so many changes that I cannot rememer all of them but I will do my best to write them down regardless.
- Engine Upgrade to 64bit
- Better Stability, better ram usage
- New HBAO (Ambient Occlusion Shader) replaces SSAO
- Refined all levels
- Added new Weapon (p90)
- Added a new Level for testing from an old alpha build (alpha 13 from 2019)
- New Animations for m16
- New Sound for SVU
- New Sound for m16
- New Sound for pp2000
- Removed sniper enemies from Level 3 (because they have been complained about a lot)
- Added more ground enemies to level 3
- Enhanced many weapon animations
- Removed all lumasharpen filters that caused the Game to look grainy.
- Increased Bloom in all levels for a more pleasing look.
- Tweaked colors of all levels. The Game looks more colorful again and more lively.
This is still in Early Access and will have bugs and issues. I am working on them as they are reported.
It is possible that I miss reported issues from time to time because I cant fix them at that moment or I have an issue of bigger priority to fix first. Remember - I am creating this game in my spare time all by myself. I have people who create 3d models for me occuasionally and I get some help with scripting but thats it. So please, bear with me.
Thanks all for playing and I hope enjoy this awesome new Update!
Take care!
DK Productions
Changed files in this update