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Spellbook Demonslayers Prologue update for 16 August 2022

Aura Evolutions Buffed, Spawn Speed Unlocked!

Share · View all patches · Build 9323354 · Last edited 16 August 2022 – 11:09:30 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Enemy Spawn Speed is now available to purchase in the Speed & Difficulty shop!

Fixed a bug where the level up bonuses of Thunderswarm (Evolved Lightning Crawlers) were not being applied.

Aura Buffs

God Slap | Evolved Brutality (+Dmg, +Size)
Old: Knockback +50%
New: Knockback is affected by Projectile Size.

Explanation: The knockback provided by God Slap now scales with projectile size, giving more reason to invest further in the Brutality Aura.

Cull The Weak | Evolved Lethality (+Crit Dmg)
Old: Critical strikes instantly kill demons with less than 15% HP.
New: Critical strikes instantly kill demons with less %HP than 8% of your Critical Damage, to a max of 50%.

Explanation: The instant-kill threshold now scales with Critical Damage, giving more reason to invest further in the Lethality Aura.

Elusive Strike | Evolved Deadly Aim (+Crit Chance)
Old: Critical Chance increases by 1% every 0.5s, to a max of +25%. Bonus resets when you get hit.
New: Critical Chance is multiplied by +1.01x every 0.25s, to a max of 1.5x. Bonus resets when you get hit.

Explanation: The critical chance bonus provided by Elusive Strike now scales with existing critical chance, giving more reason to invest further in the Deadly Aim and Nightshade Auras.

Death After Midnight | Evolved Nightshade (+Crit Chance, +Proj Speed, -Armor)
Old: Demons have 20% less Max HP.
New: Demons have 5% less Max HP for each negative point of Armor you have, to a max of 75% less.

Explanation: glass cannon engage

Irradiate | Illegal Upgrade
Old: Demons always have -3 armor. You always have -3 armor.
New: Demons always have -5 armor. You always have -5 armor.

Explanation: 2 glass 2 cannon

Shield Storm | Illegal Spell
Rotating shield that shoots bullets when it hits demons, and strikes with lightning on kill.

Old: Armor increases lightning amount.
New: Positive or negative Armor increases lightning amount.

Explanation: Storm Shield can now fit nicely in the Negative Armor + Critical Chance + Lightning Bolt archetype.

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