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XERA: Survival update for 16 August 2022

XERA: Survival Hotfix 1.1.2 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9322002 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings Survivors!

In this hotfix we've addressed multiple bugs that have been reported by the community over the past several weeks. Please continue to submit any bugs that you find using the bug report form found at or email us at

As a reminder, using and abusing bugs and not reporting them to the development team and is a banable offense and violates the code of conduct and is considered cheating. Those who continue to abuse bugs without reporting them will be subject to bans going forward. Players who are banned will have their accounts and bases wiped if found to be abusing bugs. This includes bases that are exploited.

With this patch, we have also completed a cleanup process to remove approximately 100,000 inactive base parts.

Patch Notes 1.1.2


Fixed an issue allowing players to spawn a drone while entering vehicles
Vehicles will no longer deal explosion damage to players other than the driver/passenger on PVE servers
Vehicles will no longer deal explosion damage to bases on PVE servers

Base Building

Fixed an issue with placement of certain objects over water
Fixed an issue allowing placement of more than 8 turrets in a land claim
Fixed an issue with turrets sometimes doing less damage than intended to group members

Windows 64-bit XERA Content Depot 625341
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