Hi everyone!
What? Another patch? Is it christmas already?
1.7.1 Patch Notes:
Lunch Ladys Cleaver now no longer penetrates walls, it will now only penetrate you. Also added some cool new sound effects to the cleaver. Sounds pretty neat
made changes to the collision and AI pathfinding in the Auditorium on 'Manic University', the Lunch Lady will now squeeze herself through the rows of seats to get you
Reworked how dropping keys works, they shouldn't fall through the map anymore and should be clearly visible now
slightly adjusted the lighting on 'Manic University' (it's a bit brighter now)
fixed several spots you could get stuck in on 'Manic University'
fixed a bug that enabled players to crouch when downed
fixed a bug that enabled players to turn themselves into flashlights. Was funny though
the Lunch Lady takes her time and starts roaming around the map a couple seconds later now
fixed more minor UI stuff
If you encounter any bugs, feel free to report them in the steam discussions or join me and the others over at discord.
Thanks for your help!
You can see the current game version in the main menus bottom right corner.
If Steam doesn't update the game automatically, restart Steam and the game should start updating.
If you have trouble joining a server, the host probably hasn't updated the game yet.
Have fun!
Manic Mice
Changed files in this update