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Star Explorers update for 15 August 2022

Star Explorers Updated to Version 5.2.3

Share · View all patches · Build 9319347 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

NOTE: You will need to run the game in order to let it create the "VSync2.txt" file. There is an older "VSYNC.txt" file that will only have the first line. That file can be safely deleted if you want.

Star Explorers now allows you to cap the framerate of the game as an option.

In order to do this, you will currently have to modify an external text file. Some day, I may add an in-game menu option for this if there is demand.

To do it, find the "VSync2.txt" file in the save game folder.


When you open the file, you should see this:

The second line is new. Keeping the 0 at the end of the second line will allow your game to run as fast as your hardware can take it. This may cause some strange issues as hardware is getting faster and faster every day. Setting this to a comfortable speed like 60, should allow the game to run smoothly without unexpected issues.

Here's what it should look like if you want to cap the framerate to 60 fps.

The first line sets the game to run at the same speed as your monitor if it's set to 0. This was already a feature of the game. You can unlock this limit by changing the 0 at the end of the first line to a 1.

Windows Star Explorers Content Depot 502721
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