This is a smallish patch that addresses a handful of bugs and issues that have come to my attention. Nothing too specific, so check out the full patch notes below for details.
- Fix room transition bug where player would miss the trigger box and get hurt (I manually combed through every single room in the game and adjusted the trigger boxes so this does not happen anymore. If this bug still exists after this, I'm gonna be pissed lol)
- Adjust backgrounds and tiles for clearer distinction between foreground solids and non-important backgrounds
- Fix bullets not shooting through destructable rocks if they spawn inside one
- Fix miles continuing to spawn near elevator after completing sand worm quest
- Fix important NPCs crashing the game if they previously die while following you around
- Fix not being able to drop hats in your inventory
- Fix not being able to quickswitch weapons and items if there is an empty slot between two items/weapons
- Other minor fixes and improvements
Changed files in this update