Team Modern! Team Ancient! You have all raced fearlessly. We know the ancient stoics and the modern muscle men are proud of your efforts. But only one team can come out on top…
And Team Modern is victorious!
All members of the winning team will receive an exclusive skin, sticker and banner so they can forever remind the world of this day in Fling history.
- Players on the winning team will automatically receive an exclusive skin, sticker and banner.
- The speed-boosting rings and javelins have been removed from the multiplayer race and tournament modes. Ring-a-thon itself will continue to be a permanent gamemode in the campaign. (If you enjoyed the speed-boosting rings and javelins in multiplayer races let us know because they might be returning as an optional feature).
- The Fling-a-thon event art and music has been removed from the main menu.
- Team SplitSide & Daedalic
Changed files in this update